May Update: Africa Rainfall Project

The researchers are coming closer to making their data easier to share.

Project background

Through the Africa Rainfall Project, researchers at Delft University of Technology are creating high-resolution computer simulations of localized rainstorms in sub-Saharan Africa. Thanks to massive, crowdsourced computing power from World Community Grid, they can run these simulations at a much higher resolution—exactly what's needed for localized rainstorms. This has never been done for rainstorms in this region.

This is important because 95% of agriculture in Africa depends on rainfall. The project uses data generated from World Community Grid, data from The Weather Company, and other information to provide more accurate rainfall forecasts. This information can help farmers more successfully raise their crops. 

Conference presentation

On April 29, research team member Camille Le Coz gave a presentation about the project at the EGU General Assembly 2021, a virtual conference for the European Geosciences Union. The presentation went well, and attendees are interested to see further data as the project progresses.

Data storing and sharing

The researchers are continuing to work on both a database structure and a simple graphical interface to facilitate sharing of the project data. They have another meeting later this month to discuss their progress with colleagues who are helping with this work.

Current status of work units

World Community Grid is currently sending out generations 64 and 65. (A generation is a set of work--in this case, a set of computer simulations of rainfall in sub-Saharan Africa.) 

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