Recent website changes

Today we released some changes that include the addition of new APIs to access our data more directly and more specific installation instructions for Linux members.

Today we released some website changes as part of our continuous effort to improve your World Community Grid experience.

Specifically, this release includes:
  • The addition of several new APIs. APIs are interfaces that allow you to access World Community Grid statistics, typically by using external software to pull data directly from World Community Grid. These new APIs provide you with more options, such as newly accessible Statistics By Country and Device Results information. The help section of our website has information about how to use these APIs.
  • Additional installation options for Linux users. For Fedora-based distributions such as Red Hat, or Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu, we have added specific instructions to allow you to install the application directly from your distribution-specific repository. These instructions are available on the Download page and in our FAQs.
This release also includes minor formatting changes to News articles and, in response to volunteer feedback, we resolved an issue with the Forum's main navigational menu.

The intent of these changes is to make your volunteering experience easier and more rewarding. We look forward to sharing additional improvements with you in the future.