Statistics history

14 records | 30 records | 60 records | 365 records

Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together History - 60 Records

Statistics last updated: 4/23/24 12:06:03 (UTC) [10 hour(s) ago]
Page of 12 | Records 1 to 60 - 670 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
09/30/2009 0:000:06:08:07 706 1
09/28/2009 0:000:15:12:43 1,699 3
09/27/2009 0:003:04:58:53 6,237 10
09/26/2009 0:004:16:07:14 10,658 19
09/25/2009 0:007:04:58:07 15,005 24
09/24/2009 0:014:00:52:30 30,719 45
09/23/2009 0:061:04:58:20 126,557 195
09/22/2009 0:156:12:03:03 359,950 558
09/21/2009 0:212:22:18:39 501,904 784
09/20/2009 0:195:00:27:35 512,716 785
09/19/2009 0:251:21:58:44 596,006 908
09/18/2009 0:326:12:50:26 791,816 1,223
09/17/2009 1:018:23:52:14 858,687 1,319
09/16/2009 1:092:23:07:33 1,050,827 1,618
09/15/2009 1:311:08:37:55 1,501,401 2,303
09/14/2009 2:125:11:57:18 1,926,542 3,016
09/13/2009 3:298:05:32:19 3,115,002 5,014
09/12/2009 4:106:10:37:13 3,792,315 6,108
09/11/2009 1:303:04:18:08 1,821,988 2,952
09/10/2009 0:001:18:29:06 5,299 9
08/13/2009 0:000:06:16:03 659 1
08/12/2009 0:000:13:59:41 533 1
08/11/2009 0:005:00:46:26 6,654 10
08/10/2009 0:002:05:07:39 5,339 7
08/09/2009 0:011:01:36:34 15,428 24
08/08/2009 0:020:04:01:32 35,371 55
08/07/2009 0:043:21:43:47 81,649 128
08/06/2009 0:099:00:09:28 155,923 238
08/05/2009 0:174:07:16:22 284,730 439
08/04/2009 1:068:04:37:22 798,570 1,239
08/03/2009 2:249:18:56:02 2,037,927 3,192
08/02/2009 2:323:13:30:22 2,242,678 3,483
08/01/2009 3:212:00:26:31 2,897,861 4,497
07/31/2009 4:325:00:55:40 3,952,173 5,997
07/30/2009 5:331:01:52:11 4,754,183 7,246
07/29/2009 7:186:01:37:50 5,931,348 9,081
07/28/2009 10:130:07:30:46 8,127,249 12,396
07/27/2009 13:008:06:03:48 10,141,697 15,545
07/26/2009 14:340:17:22:32 11,440,897 17,664
07/25/2009 25:028:08:20:09 18,838,050 29,546
07/24/2009 40:259:07:12:43 32,095,883 51,676
07/23/2009 42:007:07:43:43 33,698,896 54,115
07/22/2009 41:211:10:24:13 33,180,726 53,336
07/21/2009 42:026:22:53:12 33,836,984 54,359
07/20/2009 40:252:17:52:41 32,960,478 53,419
07/19/2009 38:183:16:19:12 31,430,048 51,040
07/18/2009 36:207:17:03:00 29,803,874 48,505
07/17/2009 34:010:02:43:41 27,570,391 45,075
07/16/2009 30:363:06:02:39 24,560,289 40,131
07/15/2009 31:026:06:24:29 24,664,810 40,435
07/14/2009 29:291:13:51:06 23,870,633 39,148
07/13/2009 27:353:23:40:41 22,272,339 36,673
07/12/2009 25:334:19:30:43 21,002,643 34,792
07/11/2009 22:293:09:00:53 18,906,420 31,654
07/10/2009 14:180:22:40:08 12,583,604 21,148
07/09/2009 8:031:23:46:07 6,484,745 10,819
07/08/2009 11:118:11:05:07 9,034,412 15,121
07/07/2009 6:135:11:32:09 5,012,725 8,360
07/06/2009 8:096:12:13:56 6,429,101 10,629
07/05/2009 8:097:17:05:39 6,529,471 10,687

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