Team statistics history

Team statistics history -
Statistics last updated: 5/2/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [18 hour(s) ago]
Page of 41 | Records 1 to 60 - 2422 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
05/02/2024 1:057:20:49:56 4,689,934 3,643
05/01/2024 1:047:17:34:38 4,282,275 3,492
04/30/2024 1:050:21:48:56 4,116,283 3,504
04/29/2024 1:048:10:35:28 4,147,470 3,464
04/28/2024 1:047:06:12:10 4,380,540 3,521
04/27/2024 1:054:01:59:14 4,566,333 3,588
04/26/2024 1:051:13:12:45 5,036,826 3,674
04/25/2024 1:052:23:12:26 4,412,123 3,563
04/24/2024 1:016:16:25:16 4,202,784 3,286
04/23/2024 1:030:11:16:46 4,381,871 3,412
04/22/2024 1:064:13:22:04 4,656,016 3,663
04/21/2024 1:061:18:13:27 4,382,616 3,611
04/20/2024 1:059:03:35:15 4,756,642 3,640
04/19/2024 1:061:08:42:02 4,791,320 3,626
04/18/2024 1:037:09:08:15 5,060,554 3,509
04/17/2024 1:050:19:16:23 5,579,300 3,678
04/16/2024 1:056:08:52:50 5,132,967 3,630
04/15/2024 1:051:16:26:12 5,433,825 3,644
04/14/2024 1:054:19:19:02 5,100,888 3,625
04/13/2024 1:058:20:04:44 4,929,340 3,598
04/12/2024 1:055:07:08:53 4,737,270 3,554
04/11/2024 1:049:15:01:40 4,652,916 3,515
04/10/2024 1:058:02:08:01 5,168,979 3,650
04/09/2024 1:062:22:00:47 4,839,675 3,638
04/08/2024 1:074:05:47:39 4,893,085 3,697
04/07/2024 1:058:17:11:48 4,669,343 3,566
04/06/2024 1:065:16:46:23 4,941,197 3,658
04/05/2024 1:056:11:40:48 4,684,287 3,572
04/04/2024 1:024:09:15:43 4,782,228 3,353
04/03/2024 1:039:23:53:59 5,171,507 3,522
04/02/2024 0:341:02:32:53 5,938,567 3,250
04/01/2024 0:317:21:37:05 5,838,960 3,067
03/31/2024 0:300:01:39:00 5,627,792 2,937
03/30/2024 0:335:06:37:27 5,456,479 3,137
03/29/2024 1:038:00:50:49 6,142,415 3,668
03/28/2024 0:353:00:01:24 3,929,557 3,007
03/27/2024 0:304:11:38:30 2,205,022 2,442
03/26/2024 0:317:19:16:32 2,040,670 2,498
03/25/2024 0:312:19:59:01 1,241,571 2,365
03/24/2024 0:298:09:44:12 1,171,116 2,234
03/23/2024 0:296:15:02:37 1,196,919 2,258
03/22/2024 0:310:19:43:53 1,237,455 2,343
03/21/2024 0:275:01:55:33 1,078,888 2,049
03/20/2024 0:289:07:09:18 1,128,668 2,169
03/19/2024 0:277:12:03:39 1,085,985 2,057
03/18/2024 0:280:06:47:23 1,099,825 2,097
03/17/2024 0:300:04:58:42 1,177,970 2,249
03/16/2024 0:331:12:12:00 1,304,049 2,479
03/15/2024 0:324:13:31:42 1,292,078 2,439
03/14/2024 0:305:15:33:50 1,217,683 2,309
03/13/2024 0:331:19:33:12 1,286,733 2,457
03/12/2024 1:011:17:40:49 1,449,396 2,780
03/11/2024 0:339:10:59:58 1,343,575 2,535
03/10/2024 0:335:05:49:30 1,384,759 2,519
03/09/2024 0:309:19:13:59 2,163,327 2,463
03/08/2024 0:312:19:37:06 3,617,880 2,723
03/07/2024 1:203:21:16:55 5,905,046 4,786
03/06/2024 1:153:13:00:06 4,900,474 4,217
03/05/2024 1:040:19:00:55 4,989,238 3,565
03/04/2024 0:330:21:59:27 3,263,859 2,715

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