Team statistics history

Team statistics history - AntHill
Statistics last updated: 5/5/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [4 hour(s) ago]
Page of 8 | Records 1 to 60 - 459 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
02/22/2022 0:002:07:14:47 8,158 14
02/21/2022 0:079:04:08:06 292,943 498
02/20/2022 0:219:16:11:24 840,605 1,342
02/19/2022 0:212:21:34:32 816,262 1,319
02/18/2022 0:158:15:18:46 594,730 943
02/17/2022 0:243:01:26:14 902,173 1,480
02/16/2022 0:353:05:38:11 1,320,085 2,156
02/15/2022 2:334:03:24:08 4,012,960 6,700
02/14/2022 2:352:14:42:16 4,162,252 6,328
02/13/2022 3:154:08:16:26 4,783,664 8,280
02/12/2022 3:058:03:48:35 4,327,721 6,886
02/11/2022 3:117:10:16:58 4,679,089 7,265
02/10/2022 3:160:17:00:07 4,794,789 8,419
02/09/2022 3:093:13:05:56 4,406,090 6,886
02/08/2022 3:091:09:15:37 4,559,806 7,282
02/07/2022 3:159:14:13:23 4,667,919 7,950
02/06/2022 3:145:23:09:36 4,631,294 7,071
02/05/2022 3:205:18:08:00 4,993,414 8,404
02/04/2022 3:110:23:49:39 4,608,344 7,394
02/03/2022 3:127:10:10:30 4,672,602 7,163
02/02/2022 3:200:08:26:59 4,969,280 8,383
02/01/2022 3:097:11:08:13 4,430,492 7,005
01/31/2022 3:063:10:01:42 4,488,192 7,029
01/30/2022 3:174:08:34:00 4,833,857 8,204
01/29/2022 3:150:23:34:49 4,676,075 7,257
01/28/2022 3:187:18:47:50 5,022,795 8,235
01/27/2022 3:136:05:39:21 4,630,786 7,667
01/26/2022 3:097:16:53:45 4,513,762 6,931
01/25/2022 3:185:18:51:57 4,838,452 8,280
01/24/2022 3:181:23:17:39 4,759,160 7,603
01/23/2022 3:179:02:53:46 4,886,446 7,886
01/22/2022 3:207:01:52:15 4,942,674 8,205
01/21/2022 3:019:11:06:04 4,208,623 6,429
01/20/2022 3:143:04:40:24 4,735,261 8,011
01/19/2022 3:125:18:26:46 4,613,297 7,407
01/18/2022 3:060:03:57:59 4,470,908 6,975
01/17/2022 3:233:15:14:35 5,055,123 8,654
01/16/2022 3:123:18:23:17 4,570,135 7,029
01/15/2022 3:110:05:01:22 4,658,526 7,784
01/14/2022 3:185:10:56:21 4,803,812 7,795
01/13/2022 3:028:00:44:16 4,291,876 6,325
01/12/2022 3:181:04:25:26 4,888,523 8,318
01/11/2022 3:079:10:06:04 4,348,760 6,724
01/10/2022 3:124:11:13:25 4,753,704 7,447
01/09/2022 3:184:01:53:48 4,733,227 7,951
01/08/2022 3:129:13:54:47 4,644,680 6,895
01/07/2022 3:073:07:36:50 4,462,187 7,575
01/06/2022 3:126:17:21:17 4,549,227 7,150
01/05/2022 3:038:05:59:07 4,371,449 6,692
01/04/2022 3:150:16:28:02 4,664,165 7,954
01/03/2022 3:076:09:00:50 4,338,594 6,506
01/02/2022 3:158:19:25:01 4,864,291 7,828
01/01/2022 3:243:07:38:40 4,964,393 8,291
12/31/2021 3:087:17:40:15 4,521,586 6,618
12/30/2021 3:168:16:41:51 4,791,144 8,345
12/29/2021 3:079:22:41:30 4,314,366 6,763
12/28/2021 3:082:08:44:59 4,573,253 7,077
12/27/2021 3:139:04:52:21 4,572,702 7,690
12/26/2021 3:187:09:59:59 4,732,967 7,301
12/25/2021 3:142:02:23:07 4,789,310 7,870

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