Team statistics history

Team statistics history - UserFriendly.Org
Statistics last updated: 4/23/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [23 hour(s) ago]
Page of 108 | Records 1 to 60 - 6472 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
04/23/2024 1:050:17:42:56 3,926,235 5,710
04/22/2024 1:082:05:02:13 4,520,986 6,294
04/21/2024 1:079:12:10:53 4,722,065 6,187
04/20/2024 1:073:19:51:49 5,189,291 6,162
04/19/2024 1:078:15:03:00 4,424,736 6,082
04/18/2024 1:058:06:53:49 3,730,432 5,697
04/17/2024 1:064:02:27:26 4,471,754 5,854
04/16/2024 1:053:04:25:29 4,394,593 5,900
04/15/2024 1:065:19:10:14 3,980,379 5,795
04/14/2024 1:018:04:53:42 3,872,607 5,162
04/13/2024 0:343:08:16:55 3,794,104 4,531
04/12/2024 0:348:08:56:14 4,010,191 4,599
04/11/2024 0:360:08:20:15 4,178,575 4,783
04/10/2024 0:308:08:01:51 3,080,690 3,940
04/09/2024 0:313:16:43:40 2,691,629 3,971
04/08/2024 0:311:06:31:54 2,693,703 3,998
04/07/2024 0:306:13:35:39 3,100,950 4,036
04/06/2024 0:266:06:43:37 2,716,406 3,520
04/05/2024 0:318:04:42:25 2,724,793 4,367
04/04/2024 0:348:00:27:13 3,650,598 4,939
04/03/2024 0:326:05:42:12 3,692,456 4,557
04/02/2024 0:282:03:25:06 3,400,380 4,126
04/01/2024 0:175:16:09:19 2,599,721 2,541
03/31/2024 0:068:12:52:25 3,551,359 1,315
03/30/2024 0:112:13:23:04 952,693 1,318
03/29/2024 0:268:03:31:57 4,274,760 3,675
03/28/2024 0:295:18:14:29 4,590,359 4,080
03/27/2024 0:211:03:45:18 1,591,249 2,608
03/26/2024 0:130:05:47:19 998,270 1,588
03/25/2024 0:096:19:01:38 561,118 1,072
03/24/2024 0:102:14:41:17 628,798 1,188
03/23/2024 0:079:13:18:59 480,459 908
03/22/2024 0:080:00:27:04 518,184 990
03/21/2024 0:092:18:39:37 602,560 1,130
03/20/2024 0:091:12:33:31 590,544 1,108
03/19/2024 0:058:05:03:15 395,311 758
03/18/2024 0:058:23:52:29 383,665 732
03/17/2024 0:061:22:30:01 390,990 755
03/16/2024 0:076:13:43:13 454,483 874
03/15/2024 0:132:07:33:10 783,212 1,491
03/14/2024 0:248:00:54:30 1,584,493 2,991
03/13/2024 0:240:23:05:47 1,624,764 3,115
03/12/2024 0:214:01:01:34 1,379,495 2,693
03/11/2024 0:189:16:44:27 1,248,391 2,382
03/10/2024 0:109:18:36:13 760,061 1,448
03/09/2024 0:055:10:51:49 381,909 620
03/08/2024 0:087:23:01:44 706,099 993
03/07/2024 0:225:02:02:07 3,782,565 3,007
03/06/2024 1:005:05:57:27 4,560,210 4,741
03/05/2024 0:164:09:26:57 2,895,410 2,303
03/04/2024 0:239:16:10:49 2,587,759 3,031
03/03/2024 0:352:06:22:33 3,154,724 4,381
03/02/2024 1:065:15:19:21 3,645,450 5,556
03/01/2024 1:057:02:37:35 3,638,405 5,595
02/29/2024 1:258:17:19:07 4,817,747 8,260
02/28/2024 1:030:17:26:27 3,357,169 5,194
02/27/2024 1:122:11:19:24 3,736,888 6,406
02/26/2024 1:121:23:09:49 3,865,004 6,466
02/25/2024 1:121:13:46:06 4,453,925 6,491
02/24/2024 1:145:14:51:11 4,249,542 6,826

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