Team statistics history

Team statistics history - TeamCharlize
Statistics last updated: 9/20/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [1 hour(s) ago]
Page of 30 | Records 1 to 30 - 887 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
07/03/2021 0:002:00:27:52 6,782 1
07/02/2021 0:003:03:53:11 8,987 2
06/30/2021 0:006:13:14:10 18,188 4
06/29/2021 0:003:03:36:17 9,668 2
06/28/2021 0:006:13:14:34 20,883 4
06/27/2021 0:008:06:15:35 28,902 6
06/26/2021 0:035:18:33:12 110,271 25
06/25/2021 0:019:11:54:06 58,371 13
06/24/2021 0:023:11:29:14 73,789 16
06/23/2021 0:017:17:37:08 58,630 12
06/22/2021 0:028:04:14:26 101,329 21
06/21/2021 0:027:21:11:56 95,172 21
06/20/2021 0:016:03:53:59 65,709 15
06/19/2021 0:020:22:55:41 83,115 20
06/18/2021 0:019:20:47:04 77,119 19
06/17/2021 0:024:04:17:30 98,121 23
06/16/2021 0:029:10:50:35 113,803 27
06/15/2021 0:012:06:56:44 43,729 10
06/14/2021 0:021:20:38:26 77,116 18
06/13/2021 0:022:12:19:55 72,439 16
06/12/2021 0:022:00:24:37 70,398 17
06/11/2021 0:018:09:01:01 72,138 18
06/10/2021 0:023:08:29:26 93,654 18
06/09/2021 0:013:02:46:55 59,503 13
06/08/2021 0:011:11:58:59 67,939 28
06/07/2021 0:007:02:25:12 47,416 33
06/06/2021 0:009:02:15:31 61,409 98
12/21/2020 0:000:04:03:28 1,154 2
12/20/2020 0:000:10:32:28 2,882 5
12/19/2020 0:001:00:34:56 7,356 6

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