Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Italian grid
Statistics last updated: 4/26/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [13 hour(s) ago]
Page of 229 | Records 1 to 30 - 6842 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
04/26/2024 0:010:19:10:38 57,865 110
04/25/2024 0:016:00:59:42 88,861 169
04/24/2024 0:014:09:12:31 101,438 164
04/23/2024 0:018:09:42:42 116,544 211
04/22/2024 0:026:22:19:39 173,218 329
04/21/2024 0:025:20:59:24 227,477 320
04/20/2024 0:023:23:43:21 172,311 284
04/19/2024 0:017:15:11:55 117,505 211
04/18/2024 0:019:13:17:57 189,441 236
04/17/2024 0:017:07:19:07 111,811 200
04/16/2024 0:021:01:32:20 162,984 254
04/15/2024 0:019:04:59:08 135,508 244
04/14/2024 0:016:13:46:01 121,769 216
04/13/2024 0:018:16:21:45 132,865 227
04/12/2024 0:015:13:05:59 164,962 237
04/11/2024 0:017:01:34:14 153,053 240
04/10/2024 0:013:04:50:10 99,943 186
04/09/2024 0:011:07:17:51 96,010 170
04/08/2024 0:016:09:27:37 124,222 234
04/07/2024 0:013:19:52:20 148,678 206
04/06/2024 0:011:09:04:48 97,329 176
04/05/2024 0:010:14:31:48 199,598 163
04/04/2024 0:009:20:25:20 182,109 168
04/03/2024 0:011:19:46:18 108,853 178
04/02/2024 0:006:18:00:36 139,909 111
04/01/2024 0:004:01:46:21 97,755 70
03/31/2024 0:005:11:39:22 214,337 95
03/30/2024 0:004:06:50:58 115,460 79
03/29/2024 0:013:09:25:44 247,545 221
03/28/2024 0:015:07:01:39 203,429 224

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