Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Bucks County Community College
Statistics last updated: 9/20/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [1 hour(s) ago]
Page of 12 | Records 1 to 60 - 675 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
04/11/2023 0:000:09:12:04 1,996 3
04/10/2023 0:000:16:06:17 3,383 5
04/08/2023 0:000:17:53:08 3,402 5
04/07/2023 0:000:13:49:26 2,693 4
04/06/2023 0:000:03:26:55 663 1
04/03/2023 0:004:03:13:49 18,731 26
02/28/2023 0:000:06:21:25 2,206 2
02/27/2023 0:000:06:55:45 957 2
02/26/2023 0:000:03:12:04 1,105 1
02/25/2023 0:000:09:38:22 3,229 3
02/24/2023 0:000:10:55:24 2,721 4
02/23/2023 0:001:06:00:49 6,557 12
02/22/2023 0:005:15:27:34 23,277 39
02/21/2023 0:004:10:40:01 29,698 47
02/20/2023 0:007:21:53:24 49,333 75
02/19/2023 0:010:02:21:08 51,853 87
02/18/2023 0:023:23:00:23 137,264 219
02/17/2023 0:064:22:23:05 400,582 636
02/16/2023 0:061:18:27:22 381,386 612
02/15/2023 0:048:12:41:59 279,520 445
02/14/2023 0:036:06:36:08 219,622 353
02/13/2023 0:081:23:20:43 467,558 783
02/12/2023 0:069:11:02:14 410,443 671
02/11/2023 0:044:18:54:14 245,128 420
02/10/2023 0:050:11:18:57 273,999 466
02/09/2023 0:055:05:29:27 290,931 476
02/08/2023 0:025:02:26:50 120,983 214
02/07/2023 0:017:02:15:31 83,518 139
02/06/2023 0:034:11:27:52 153,117 243
02/05/2023 0:027:03:56:57 114,679 187
02/04/2023 0:028:12:28:50 117,376 194
02/03/2023 0:017:11:23:26 72,142 106
02/02/2023 0:015:12:26:22 74,612 98
02/01/2023 0:001:02:39:52 3,534 7
01/03/2023 0:000:04:54:44 531 1
01/02/2023 0:000:13:58:00 1,596 3
01/01/2023 0:000:07:41:59 992 2
12/31/2022 0:000:23:28:57 3,019 6
12/30/2022 0:000:03:50:16 474 1
12/29/2022 0:000:09:08:20 1,129 2
12/28/2022 0:000:09:06:47 1,035 2
12/27/2022 0:000:08:54:01 988 2
12/26/2022 0:001:23:35:45 11,096 3
12/24/2022 0:001:01:52:44 4,521 4
12/23/2022 0:000:06:17:29 740 1
12/21/2022 0:000:12:34:34 4,512 2
12/19/2022 0:001:04:18:26 8,025 6
12/18/2022 0:000:15:33:53 3,328 3
12/17/2022 0:000:21:01:29 3,212 4
11/16/2022 0:000:03:51:39 511 1
11/15/2022 0:000:21:51:57 2,017 3
11/14/2022 0:001:07:32:01 4,617 7
11/13/2022 0:004:23:01:56 20,804 29
11/12/2022 0:004:00:43:46 15,227 24
11/11/2022 0:007:17:34:50 25,143 38
11/10/2022 0:009:14:53:02 32,781 54
11/09/2022 0:014:09:24:57 57,085 88
11/08/2022 0:008:03:47:21 25,144 44
11/07/2022 0:011:00:45:03 38,990 66
11/06/2022 0:022:10:30:10 72,378 122

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Page of 12 | Records 1 to 60 - 675 total  | records per page

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