Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday World Community Grid!
World Community Grid is 6 years of age today and thanks to your participation, we're robust and growing and making a difference every day!!
Since last year, you've helped us accomplish the following:
Looking at the numbers:
The following statistical growth was accomplished. To see the current statistics click here.
- Members: 43,000 new members registered
- Devices: 230,000 new devices were registered
- Computer Run Time: 110,000 years of computer run time were donated
- Points: 100 Billion points were awarded
- Research Results: 200 Million results were returned
Active Research Projects:
During the last 12 months, World Community Grid continued running the following research projects. Click on the project name to find out more about each project: - Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2
- Help Fight Childhood Cancer
- Help Conquer Cancer
- Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2
- FightAIDS@Home
New Research Projects:
During the last 12 months, World Community Grid launched the following research projects. Click on the project name to find out more about each project: - Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2
- The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2
- Computing For Clean Water
Completed Research Projects:
Here's some information about the completed research projects. Click on the project name to find out what the researchers are doing with the results: - Nutritious Rice for the World
- Genome Comparison
- Help Defeat Cancer
Future project queue:
Proposals for seven additional research projects have been received and are being reviewed at this time. Two research projects still in review were announced in a September 7, 2010 press release. The remainder of the projects in review will be announced at launch time.
Additional accomplishments:
The following is a list of additional accomplishments from the past twelve months: - Awarded the Asian CSR award
- Deployed an enhanced Facebook application
- Deployed significant performance improvements for the Help Conquer Cancer project
- Highlighted in a Fast Company publication
- Deployed Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, and English language sync up
- Issued press release for World Water Week
- Sony VAIOs now have World Community Grid preloaded
- Deployed BOINC 6.10
More accomplishments are listed in the News & Updates section of the website.
Thank you!!!
All of these accomplishments are only possible because of your contribution! We sincerely thank you for your continued support.