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03 Jul 2018 – The Expanding Frontiers of Carbon Nanotube Technology
The Clean Water Project made an exciting discovery about the possible applications of carbon nanostructures to water purification, biomedical research, and energy research. Dr. Ming Ma, one of the scientists on the project, recently published a paper that summarizes the current status of work in this field.  
  Tags: Project Update
22 Jan 2018 – Computing for Clean Water Results Inspire Further Study
An international team of researchers was inspired by the Computing for Clean Water project to do a series of further simulations, using a slightly different model and studying the diffusion of oxygen molecules as well as water molecules. Learn about their results, which validated the work done on World Community Grid, in this article.  
  Tags: Project Update , Research Paper
25 Jul 2017 – New Lab at Tsinghua University Created to Work on Computing for Clean Water Project Findings
Dr. Ming Ma, one of the original members of the Computing for Clean Water research team, has created his own lab at Tsinghua University. Dr. Ma and his team continue to analyze the data generated by the project. Learn more about their current work and plans for the future in this update.  
  Tags: Project Update
26 Feb 2016 – Musician, Science Buff, Volunteer
Meet Chris, a multi-talented volunteer from France, who explains why he joined World Community Grid.  
  Tags: Behind the Scenes
05 Aug 2015 – Open science: sharing our clean water breakthrough data with all scientists
The Computing for Clean Water team is pleased to announce that the breakthrough paper we published online last month on the use of nanotechnology for more efficient water filtration will be available in the August print edition of Nature Nanotechnology. With our results published, we're now making the underlying data available to other interested scientists and discussing the attention our work has gotten, both from international experts in the field and from the world media.  
  Tags: Project Update , Research Paper
06 Jul 2015 – Enhancing the potential for nanotechnology to improve access to clean water for millions
The Computing for Clean Water team has discovered how water can pass through tiny carbon nanotubes much more easily than previously predicted. This groundbreaking understanding of a fundamental physical process holds potential for improving access to clean water for millions through more efficient water filtration and desalination, as well as possible applications in clean energy and medicine. This discovery has been published in Nature Nanotechnology, the world's most prestigious nanotechnology journal.   
  Tags: Event or Milestone , Project Update , Research Paper , Video
09 Mar 2015 – Top distributed computing projects still hard at work fighting the world's worst health issues
An article on about the Outsmart Ebola Together project on World Community Grid.   
  Tags: Media
09 Feb 2015 – Computing for Clean Water on the road to publication
The Computing for Clean Water team has written a paper describing the results of their research on World Community Grid. They’ve described the novel flow effect that all you volunteers helped discover. Their paper is currently under consideration at a prestigious journal.  
  Tags: Project Update
25 Apr 2014 – Computing for Clean Water project update
Researchers announce the end of the project as they complete further studies to confirm interesting results gained from World Community Grid data and prepare to publish their exciting findings.  
  Tags: Event or Milestone , Project Update
18 Sep 2013 – Computing for Clean Water project update
The Computing for Clean Water researchers are analyzing the huge amounts of data recieved and working on summarizing the results for a paper, which will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.  
  Tags: Project Update

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