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27 Jun 2005 – Human Proteome Folding, Phase 2 project updates
Project updates from the World Community Grid forums  
  Tags: Project Update
25 May 2005 – Human Proteome Folding, Phase 2 project updates
Project updates from the World Community Grid forums  
  Tags: Project Update
28 Apr 2005 – Human Proteome Folding, Phase 2 project updates
Project updates from the World Community Grid forums  
  Tags: Project Update
05 Apr 2005 – Human Proteome Folding - Phase 1 Thesis - Lund University
This thesis covers the authors efforts to develop a method to use ab initio protein structure prediction to detect distant homologs and use the homologs to annotate proteins from the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  
  Tags: Project Update , Research Paper
22 Mar 2005 – Human Proteome Folding, Phase 2 project updates
Project updates from the World Community Grid forums   
  Tags: Project Update
18 Feb 2005 – Human Proteome Folding, Phase 2 project updates
Project updates from the World Community Grid forums  
  Tags: Project Update
16 Nov 2004 – Launch of Human Proteome Folding Project
Knowing the shapes of proteins will help researchers understand how proteins perform their desired functions and also how diseases prevent proteins from doing their necessary functions to maintain healthy cells.   
  Tags: Event or Milestone

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