Planned Maintenance on Thursday, September 5, 2019 ( Update )

We are updating the operating system on our servers on Thursday, September 5, beginning at 19:00 UTC.

We will be applying an important operating system update to our servers on Thursday, September 5, beginning at 19:00 UTC. We anticipate that the work will take approximately four hours. 

During some of this time, volunteers will not be able to upload or download new work, and the website will not be accessible.

Volunteers will not need to take any particular action, as your devices will automatically retry their connections after the maintenance work is completed.

We appreciate your patience and participation.


Update 23:00 UTC - One of our servers did not start up properly following a reboot.  We are having it pulled out of the rack to replace a drive controller.  As a result of this, we are keeping the uploads and downloads of work disabled.  Thanks, -Uplinger

Update 23:55 UCT - We decided that it might be several more hours while that server is out of service.  As a result we decided to bring the system back online since we have sufficient redudancy.  Users should see all systems operating normally at this time.