August Update: Mapping Cancer Markers

The Mapping Cancer Markers researchers continue to analyze lung cancer marker data while working with the World Community Grid tech team on new sarcoma work units.

Members of the Jurisica Lab, the researchers behind Mapping Cancer Markers


Mapping Cancer Markers aims to identify the markers associated with various types of cancer. The project is analyzing millions of data points collected from thousands of healthy and cancerous patient tissue samples. These include tissues with lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and sarcoma.

By comparing these different data points, researchers hope to identify patterns of markers for different cancers and correlate them with different outcomes, including responsiveness to various treatment options.

Lung cancer markers

The first set of work units processed by World Community Grid volunteers helped the research team search for lung cancer markers. Since then, the research team has been analyzing the data, while they also analyze data for ovarian cancer work units and continue to send us sarcoma work units.

The researchers have put together an initial summary of their findings on lung cancer signatures, and the principal investigator is approaching his clinician colleagues to get their input on the significance of some of the project's findings. 

Beta testing on new sarcoma work units

World Community Grid's tech team has taken care of a minor issue with the recently-run beta sarcoma work units. We might run an additional beta test in the near future; if this happens, we'll post a notice in our Beta Test Announcements forum so that interested volunteers can participate. (You can check your settings here to see if you're signed up for beta testing.) 

Current status of work units

  • Available for download:  842 batches
  • In progress:  941 batches (7,392,542 work units)
  • Completed:  64,955 batches (691 batches in the past 30 days,
    an average of 23 batches per day)
  • Estimated backlog: 36 days


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