September Update: Africa Rainfall Project

The Africa Rainfall Project researchers recently welcomed a student to their team.

Project background

95% of agriculture in Africa depends on rainfall. The Africa Rainfall Project uses massive computing power, data from The Weather Company, and other data to provide more accurate rainfall forecasts, which will help farmers more successfully raise crops. 

Research team welcomes a student

A new student has joined the researchers to help with data analysis. They will be comparing the results of the data from World Community Grid to data from other sources.

Upcoming conferences

The project's principal investigator, Professor Nick van de Giesen, will give a presentation at the America Geophysical Union conference, which will take place in December. 

Current status of work units

World Community Grid is currently sending out generations 22 and 23. (A generation is a set of work--in this case, a set of computer simulations of rainfall in sub-Saharan Africa.) 

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