
University of New South Wales

Centre of Marine Bio-Innovation (CMB) and Sydney Institute of Marine Sciences (SIMS)

CMB and SIMS perform research on the diversity and ecology of microorganisms in the marine environment. State-of-the-art facilities allow a large, international team of researchers to explore microbial processes and apply discovery to better environmental health.

Torsten Thomas

Associate Professor

Torsten is a research and teaching academic at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He has been studying microorganisms in the environment for many years and is particular interested in studying their diversity and function with modern sequencing technologies. He has determined and analyzed the genomes and metagenomes for hundreds of microorganisms found in the ocean and soil.

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - Fiocruz

Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC), Carlos Chagas Institute (ICC) and René Rachou Research Institute (CPqRR)

The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation performs basic and applied research in the field of biomedical and life sciences important for public health. The institution is responsible for a range of activities which include research development; highly-regarded hospital and ambulatory care services; production of vaccines and drugs; education and training; information and communication in the areas of health, science and technology; quality control of products and services, and the implementation of social programs. It has over 11,000 employees and health professionals and is comprised of 21 institutes, several of which are dedicated to research and teaching such as the IOC, ICC and CPqRR institutes.

Wim Degrave

Senior Researcher

Wim is a researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His laboratory is dedicated to the functional study of genomes of microorganisms important in human health, comparative genomics using bioinformatics tools and laboratory experiments to allow for the design and evaluation of new drugs and diagnostics, mostly in the field of neglected diseases.

Antonio Basílio de Miranda

Senior Researcher

Antonio's field of study is in molecular biology, with focus on bioinformatics, and especially in molecular evolution and comparative genomics.                                           

Guilherme Corrê a de Oliveira

Senior Researcher

Guilherme heads the laboratory for cellular and molecular parasitology and the Center for Bioinformatics and coordinates the network for genome studies of the State of Minas Gerais. His research involves molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics of Schistosoma mansoni, using techniques of genome sequencing, and structural and functional analysis of genomes of several species of microorganisms, important for human health and environment.

Marcos Catanho

Adjunct Researcher

Marcos is a researcher in the laboratory for functional genomics and bioinformatics, with special interests in genome function and organization, comparative genomics and evolution of bacterial organisms and human parasites, database and computational tool development.

Paulo Costa Carvalho

Adjunct Researcher

Paulo is a researcher at the Carlos Chagas Institute, Fiocruz - Paraná, with experience in probabilistic pattern recognition and mass spectrometry. His current research is focused on quantitative and computational proteomics.

Ana Carolina Guimarães

Adjunct Researcher

Ana Carolina is a researcher in the laboratory of functional genomics and bioinformatics, with special interests in identification of new drug targets, characterization of analogous enzymes, metabolic pathways, metabolic reconstruction, evolution and drugs for neglected diseases.


Valmir Barbosa

Senior Researcher

Valmir is a senior researcher and professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with focus in computer sciences, and specifically in parallel and distributed computing and modeling of complex systems.

Felipe Leprevost

Postdoctoral Fellow

Felipe is a postdoctoral fellow at the Carlos Chagas Institute - Fiocruz Paraná, with focus on development of new methods for data analysis in proteomics using artificial intelligence, and for statistical methods and computational integration of data from shotgun proteomics.