By geography

Country statistics

Total run time All-time Yesterday
Points generated All-time Yesterday
Results returned All-time Yesterday

Individual country statistics:

CANADA Member statistics

Statistics last updated:7/25/24 23:59:58 (UTC) [26hour(s) ago]
  Members 2,709
  Devices 40,308
  Run time (y:d:h:m:s) 105144:138:19:38:19
  Points generated 179,018,691,269
  Results returned 291,125,747
  Run time per calendar day (y:d:h:m:s) 14:206:04:58:11
  Run time per result (y:d:h:m:s) 0:000:03:09:50
  Points per hour of run time 194.36
  Points per calendar day 24,798,267.25
  Points per result 614.92
  Results per calendar day 40,327.71
  Total run time (y:d:h:m:s) 22:247:20:47:52
  Points generated 50,553,830
  Results returned 97,157

Total run time (hours)

Points generated

Results returned

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