Statistics history

14 records | 30 records | 60 records | 365 records

OpenPandemics - COVID-19 History - 14 Records

Statistics last updated: 10/24/24 00:06:03 (UTC) [6 hour(s) ago]
Page of 80 | Records 1 to 14 - 1115 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
06/25/2024 0:000:00:17:22 37,527 5
06/24/2024 0:000:00:39:54 103,078 12
06/23/2024 0:002:21:03:27 4,450,121 479
06/22/2024 0:015:01:04:19 30,856,088 3,393
06/21/2024 0:024:12:38:42 33,740,513 3,743
06/20/2024 0:078:15:38:58 128,720,588 14,105
06/19/2024 0:330:08:57:24 726,391,666 80,331
06/18/2024 0:238:12:37:07 542,908,656 60,068
06/17/2024 0:316:11:16:08 688,458,545 76,131
06/16/2024 0:314:06:51:42 673,964,027 74,268
06/15/2024 0:299:10:18:35 650,066,339 71,898
06/14/2024 0:306:11:36:52 661,397,008 72,987
06/13/2024 0:294:15:20:56 662,365,868 73,270
06/12/2024 0:297:19:14:48 657,875,853 72,876

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Page of 80 | Records 1 to 14 - 1115 total  | records per page

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