Statistics history

14 records | 30 records | 60 records | 365 records

Smash Childhood Cancer History - 60 Records

Statistics last updated: 4/19/24 12:06:03 (UTC) [0 hour(s) ago]
Page of 20 | Records 1 to 60 - 1192 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/28/2023 0:000:07:02:16 262 2
10/26/2023 0:001:03:39:57 8,214 16
10/25/2023 0:007:16:27:41 32,110 84
10/24/2023 0:017:09:53:12 88,329 252
10/23/2023 0:205:11:13:04 1,050,230 3,483
10/22/2023 2:084:23:53:55 4,003,633 11,932
10/21/2023 1:328:10:29:25 3,329,188 9,467
10/18/2023 2:089:07:16:35 4,056,206 11,728
10/17/2023 1:215:19:53:41 2,981,979 9,383
10/16/2023 8:005:13:54:23 14,754,084 42,198
10/14/2023 6:106:02:21:42 12,072,288 34,084
10/13/2023 20:359:16:37:06 39,770,741 117,651
10/12/2023 54:117:18:18:50 90,866,326 267,909
10/11/2023 84:122:21:22:55 179,969,882 542,540
10/10/2023 100:075:12:25:17 229,545,600 723,306
10/09/2023 44:293:19:33:41 89,077,167 277,885
10/08/2023 86:322:02:47:04 176,080,057 531,094
10/07/2023 84:003:07:47:23 170,004,787 565,808
10/06/2023 79:211:22:59:16 169,342,865 526,526
10/05/2023 77:036:06:33:10 163,587,136 541,559
10/04/2023 76:323:15:46:05 165,999,125 537,266
10/03/2023 67:340:13:21:25 149,037,460 484,514
10/02/2023 64:052:12:49:24 142,370,094 440,114
10/01/2023 60:300:15:16:36 146,830,300 362,323
09/30/2023 44:083:01:27:29 119,411,691 438,887
09/29/2023 48:332:20:13:38 141,859,843 584,096
09/28/2023 37:038:02:07:20 97,547,073 382,088
09/27/2023 44:108:08:24:49 80,299,395 297,807
09/26/2023 60:229:15:13:49 119,345,394 430,273
09/25/2023 83:199:00:52:38 169,310,174 550,386
09/24/2023 87:194:08:34:20 180,006,037 640,959
09/23/2023 93:320:15:38:46 194,335,930 745,408
09/22/2023 98:087:15:18:20 203,702,890 859,416
09/21/2023 81:271:20:33:03 163,822,433 813,207
09/20/2023 89:190:14:38:05 179,794,009 955,462
09/19/2023 97:068:08:52:47 200,449,089 1,089,545
09/18/2023 93:085:14:28:11 197,403,939 1,072,182
09/17/2023 87:010:03:57:37 183,540,829 1,021,118
09/16/2023 75:116:06:53:00 158,327,885 878,368
09/15/2023 2:013:01:30:38 6,257,133 28,252
09/14/2023 0:000:07:44:18 404 2
09/13/2023 0:004:20:17:16 17,447 63
09/12/2023 0:030:18:10:45 106,228 360
09/11/2023 0:129:08:32:59 541,277 1,955
09/10/2023 0:323:23:03:24 1,454,447 5,125
09/09/2023 4:059:19:26:34 7,175,286 25,795
09/08/2023 13:188:10:45:56 23,858,084 86,014
09/07/2023 35:049:14:08:55 65,864,503 224,274
09/06/2023 44:001:21:39:00 81,281,855 279,498
09/05/2023 51:094:10:09:19 94,739,753 290,695
09/04/2023 71:359:18:35:20 125,503,627 393,399
09/03/2023 86:291:19:05:51 172,500,139 618,985
09/02/2023 86:326:02:40:36 180,870,308 650,608
09/01/2023 88:288:03:14:20 179,958,097 613,589
08/31/2023 84:060:19:12:04 175,879,391 616,311
08/30/2023 88:181:08:11:46 188,224,200 662,006
08/29/2023 87:092:11:42:31 191,727,988 671,856
08/28/2023 80:011:09:45:59 173,568,651 625,276
08/27/2023 77:144:15:37:58 162,400,781 614,088
08/26/2023 76:257:21:35:15 153,849,557 507,212

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