Team Member Details

Team Member Details and Statistics
Team Member Details and Statistics: BOINC@Taiwan
Statistics last updated: 10/7/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [13 hour(s) ago]
Page of 11 | Records 1 to 50 - 533 total  | records per page
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Username Status
Total run time
Results returned
0077 07/16/2016 25:090:11:15:47 73,057,478 123,918
0917816882 11/19/2009 32:247:12:47:40 105,266,870 166,435
2FyaoiffSGT77pfPkrc2SSv1zP5L 12/02/2009 290:128:10:12:32 393,687,850 622,923
36WdKFodGjwL4mNLVLsMzv9hZrTp 11/15/2022 5:240:08:42:26 12,729,576 24,342
851102 08/30/2012 5:308:19:23:02 10,967,999 25,009
921andrewyuan 05/25/2007 36:313:01:41:18 173,809,168 237,649
a0101 01/10/2016 2:165:10:22:47 4,739,985 7,561
a0193143 05/18/2015 0:023:17:36:59 92,644 117
a197382176 08/03/2016 4:290:23:22:02 12,354,880 25,834
a40330812 12/04/2017 0:348:00:58:09 1,754,875 2,624
aa861121 09/18/2016 0:089:20:41:55 70,802 218
abg139 08/06/2021 -:---:--:--:-- 0 0
abigail 08/24/2021 0:001:17:26:37 6,864 4
aeolus29 05/01/2007 132:199:02:02:23 208,732,743 394,096
aik2ac6hu 12/07/2021 0:009:18:37:52 29,235 24
aikkvjg 12/03/2021 0:008:21:35:03 29,946 27
aiocjuie 07/30/2021 0:000:16:54:12 1,767 5
Alan Zhang 04/28/2013 2:051:13:50:07 5,445,165 9,300
alanpeng1995 02/02/2016 14:062:06:22:18 67,570,635 80,250
alanx15a2 10/15/2015 4:024:14:20:14 6,912,586 11,654
AlexLeoTW 12/31/2020 0:114:16:03:36 1,071,488 1,003
alexpon 08/31/2009 9:363:19:21:15 26,770,156 29,894
alfieho 07/05/2017 [11/08/2020] 0:071:09:36:00 257,028 539
alistairr 09/26/2021 -:---:--:--:-- 0 0
allenchung 07/25/2007 78:113:05:25:52 141,560,618 242,835
Alpacc 08/28/2009 30:194:18:25:20 40,621,695 72,100
anadaily 03/18/2008 10:092:14:51:46 11,929,937 19,742
angel-ghost 05/03/2007 242:082:22:33:09 345,425,826 632,737
Answer 07/24/2008 89:259:04:57:20 194,845,020 342,908
Arale 05/28/2005 36:093:09:24:57 63,965,099 123,085
Arbalest1986 02/16/2010 30:271:21:09:15 55,817,959 91,792
archibaldd 10/04/2021 0:009:06:21:03 28,612 32
arthur1981 05/10/2013 22:013:07:01:15 36,211,630 58,591
Asatsuki 07/25/2011 26:360:21:06:35 44,775,262 90,609
aslp 11/08/2011 3:069:15:32:13 4,187,026 6,446
assam1231 01/11/2017 6:245:12:51:11 7,662,481 19,041
astrolee53 08/20/2007 30:243:10:01:39 56,128,483 92,299
Aurana 05/06/2011 2:234:02:51:05 5,457,684 10,154
ayc981 09/16/2021 0:008:10:34:31 20,673 21
Aznable 07/28/2018 9:227:18:29:49 27,857,968 48,089
b3156052 04/28/2016 0:079:04:07:58 326,148 611
ba2001 08/25/2016 2:357:11:23:28 6,791,481 11,018
baby2003 01/06/2016 3:106:16:10:10 4,955,237 7,446
barery24 03/29/2009 1:059:17:53:47 12,772,429 5,257
barnaby 09/30/2021 0:001:01:32:11 4,390 3
bd5242 05/02/2007 4:239:15:06:02 3,375,573 8,373
bear_chen 09/16/2008 253:006:15:33:57 388,002,106 702,178

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