Team statistics history

Team statistics history - CMC - Community Med Ctrs of Fresno, CA
Statistics last updated: 10/7/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [12 hour(s) ago]
Page of 29 | Records 1 to 60 - 1707 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/16/2014 0:000:04:02:29 647 1
10/05/2014 0:000:09:45:33 1,639 4
10/04/2014 0:000:04:30:58 679 1
09/28/2014 0:000:06:12:59 1,382 2
09/27/2014 0:000:15:09:23 3,814 4
09/26/2014 0:000:03:56:57 613 1
09/25/2014 0:000:09:28:01 1,801 4
09/24/2014 0:000:12:07:56 2,147 5
09/23/2014 0:001:03:22:38 862 2
09/22/2014 0:000:04:25:17 964 1
09/21/2014 0:000:03:11:52 733 1
09/20/2014 0:000:09:03:28 3,548 2
09/19/2014 0:001:04:47:21 2,412 3
09/16/2014 0:000:02:19:50 488 1
09/06/2014 0:000:05:11:37 1,335 1
09/05/2014 0:000:05:11:54 1,057 1
09/01/2014 0:000:05:34:34 1,267 2
08/29/2014 0:000:02:43:45 662 1
08/26/2014 0:000:02:19:48 374 1
08/24/2014 0:000:06:03:01 923 2
08/23/2014 0:000:06:54:22 1,323 3
08/22/2014 0:000:10:08:35 1,582 4
08/21/2014 0:001:00:08:24 4,747 7
08/20/2014 0:000:19:48:32 4,028 5
08/19/2014 0:000:06:25:37 1,323 2
08/18/2014 0:000:17:22:17 4,613 3
08/17/2014 0:000:13:06:18 3,323 3
08/16/2014 0:000:06:44:22 1,505 2
08/15/2014 0:000:01:46:02 366 1
08/13/2014 0:000:20:32:38 3,904 7
08/11/2014 0:000:09:08:05 1,673 3
08/10/2014 0:000:17:21:20 3,350 8
08/09/2014 0:001:06:07:56 5,539 12
08/08/2014 0:000:13:21:20 2,496 6
08/07/2014 0:000:12:40:24 2,361 4
08/06/2014 0:000:09:43:21 1,533 4
08/05/2014 0:000:04:25:23 1,047 2
08/03/2014 0:000:03:44:37 1,021 1
07/31/2014 0:000:22:38:22 4,043 8
07/30/2014 0:000:07:33:46 1,135 3
07/29/2014 0:000:12:01:56 1,666 5
07/28/2014 0:000:01:33:36 274 1
07/27/2014 0:000:09:26:17 1,503 4
07/26/2014 0:000:10:09:53 1,902 4
07/25/2014 0:000:07:31:51 1,526 2
07/24/2014 0:000:21:46:20 4,262 6
07/23/2014 0:000:14:28:49 2,940 4
07/22/2014 0:000:05:02:10 1,213 2
07/20/2014 0:000:04:08:49 1,178 2
07/19/2014 0:000:01:45:04 335 1
07/18/2014 0:000:01:09:31 190 1
07/17/2014 0:000:12:02:03 1,859 5
07/16/2014 0:000:10:41:27 1,810 3
07/15/2014 0:000:03:57:37 620 3
07/14/2014 0:000:03:03:23 460 2
07/13/2014 0:000:09:02:14 2,110 3
07/12/2014 0:000:02:11:40 485 1
07/11/2014 0:000:00:26:18 62 1
07/10/2014 0:000:02:18:15 518 1
07/09/2014 0:000:12:19:13 2,036 6

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