Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Ripple Labs
Statistics last updated: 10/14/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [13 hour(s) ago]
Page of 125 | Records 1 to 30 - 3737 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/14/2024 0:146:00:06:51 800,432 1,522
10/13/2024 0:146:02:17:42 829,527 1,560
10/12/2024 0:133:16:56:26 740,533 1,383
10/11/2024 0:088:15:56:48 521,621 988
10/10/2024 0:073:15:46:36 381,651 724
10/09/2024 0:141:18:06:44 759,187 1,446
10/08/2024 0:076:22:09:46 422,492 802
10/07/2024 0:164:15:26:38 896,328 1,692
10/06/2024 0:158:03:49:18 877,975 1,666
10/05/2024 0:170:23:40:42 964,889 1,816
10/04/2024 0:164:20:47:10 921,153 1,746
10/03/2024 0:153:20:21:58 832,466 1,575
10/02/2024 0:158:09:41:26 850,733 1,610
10/01/2024 0:163:09:41:39 882,400 1,675
09/30/2024 0:178:23:45:32 1,030,254 1,955
09/29/2024 0:160:12:43:00 924,448 1,743
09/28/2024 0:154:14:15:36 879,269 1,662
09/27/2024 0:168:00:43:06 969,719 1,827
09/26/2024 0:152:12:40:54 871,198 1,638
09/25/2024 0:160:23:30:12 899,803 1,700
09/24/2024 0:152:07:23:23 856,424 1,608
09/23/2024 0:162:12:00:43 908,403 1,719
09/22/2024 0:153:02:37:23 833,602 1,572
09/21/2024 0:135:22:46:57 714,014 1,353
09/20/2024 0:122:20:21:58 637,910 1,190
09/19/2024 0:122:09:02:29 628,019 1,203
09/18/2024 0:121:11:16:26 577,258 1,103
09/17/2024 0:123:13:32:40 639,792 1,209
09/16/2024 0:134:07:27:36 697,035 1,327
09/15/2024 0:135:11:37:32 723,674 1,381

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