Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Czech National Team
Statistics last updated: 1/16/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [8 hour(s) ago]
Page of 112 | Records 1 to 60 - 6705 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/16/2025 1:339:02:43:10 4,574,109 8,443
01/15/2025 2:017:10:30:24 4,837,439 8,943
01/14/2025 1:096:04:50:35 2,792,287 5,185
01/13/2025 1:322:15:18:36 4,472,495 8,215
01/12/2025 1:148:22:50:14 3,348,852 6,184
01/11/2025 2:322:04:29:03 6,636,648 12,344
01/10/2025 0:143:17:33:54 868,859 1,613
12/07/2024 0:004:06:35:39 24,273 45
12/06/2024 2:052:19:25:19 4,677,154 8,850
12/05/2024 2:067:09:54:01 4,801,065 9,037
12/04/2024 2:082:22:59:35 5,128,572 9,729
12/03/2024 2:119:14:29:50 5,365,201 10,183
12/02/2024 2:222:01:31:15 6,166,681 11,723
12/01/2024 2:279:23:00:43 6,415,716 12,184
11/30/2024 2:263:08:56:20 6,460,412 12,224
11/29/2024 2:229:21:23:05 6,184,680 11,693
11/28/2024 2:211:14:03:56 6,066,456 11,474
11/27/2024 2:150:20:03:58 5,429,782 10,242
11/26/2024 2:147:12:33:01 5,391,253 10,150
11/25/2024 2:097:03:33:13 4,995,304 9,375
11/24/2024 2:081:19:12:08 4,932,238 9,274
11/23/2024 2:032:21:44:00 4,827,834 9,066
11/22/2024 2:168:12:58:33 5,733,270 10,371
11/21/2024 3:024:11:25:10 6,767,092 10,767
11/20/2024 1:358:02:44:33 4,472,488 7,924
11/19/2024 1:090:02:47:14 2,631,211 4,848
11/18/2024 1:059:19:59:28 2,420,731 4,549
11/17/2024 0:326:00:03:35 1,880,912 3,435
11/16/2024 1:004:06:21:13 2,206,746 4,030
11/15/2024 0:278:04:45:13 1,627,074 2,950
11/14/2024 0:312:14:19:21 1,905,666 3,376
11/13/2024 0:262:09:57:12 1,513,872 2,723
11/12/2024 0:293:09:15:00 1,638,919 2,975
11/11/2024 0:205:16:31:51 1,101,657 1,949
11/10/2024 0:212:19:51:56 1,211,399 2,171
11/09/2024 0:218:00:29:27 1,196,761 2,163
11/08/2024 0:230:18:53:31 1,252,845 2,275
11/07/2024 0:241:12:26:48 1,296,309 2,423
11/06/2024 0:209:20:02:00 1,171,391 2,220
11/05/2024 1:011:05:55:17 2,059,511 3,853
11/04/2024 1:222:20:47:12 3,282,759 6,104
11/03/2024 1:224:20:00:09 3,236,714 6,209
11/02/2024 2:165:21:30:18 4,821,284 8,947
11/01/2024 2:098:08:12:20 4,486,720 8,323
10/31/2024 1:320:03:50:42 3,660,625 6,877
10/30/2024 1:363:22:05:49 4,068,695 7,654
10/29/2024 1:364:15:20:08 3,929,306 7,366
10/28/2024 1:353:16:06:12 3,784,190 7,070
10/27/2024 1:291:19:24:58 3,481,536 6,463
10/26/2024 1:306:09:20:23 3,728,731 6,972
10/25/2024 2:020:12:57:15 4,332,939 8,164
10/24/2024 2:075:03:37:39 4,620,799 8,715
10/23/2024 2:142:22:14:48 5,128,996 9,658
10/22/2024 2:187:02:47:42 5,358,410 10,125
10/21/2024 2:221:18:08:19 5,522,112 10,461
10/20/2024 2:255:02:05:40 5,707,598 10,836
10/19/2024 2:216:04:49:45 5,515,253 10,440
10/18/2024 2:224:01:41:08 5,549,912 10,501
10/17/2024 2:178:06:20:57 5,202,537 9,858
10/16/2024 2:123:08:59:47 5,060,586 9,580

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