Team statistics history

Team statistics history - South Africa
Statistics last updated: 10/23/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [6 hour(s) ago]
Page of 1 | Records 1 to 14 - 0 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/23/2024 0:203:16:23:21 1,456,860 2,786
10/22/2024 0:195:08:15:41 1,400,522 2,613
10/21/2024 0:229:00:33:38 1,610,776 3,042
10/20/2024 0:223:22:31:13 1,580,250 2,972
10/19/2024 0:196:03:49:20 1,384,054 2,588
10/18/2024 0:139:06:28:04 961,823 1,816
10/17/2024 0:103:16:51:09 562,030 1,064
10/16/2024 0:103:06:04:30 553,284 1,047
10/15/2024 0:099:12:06:08 540,501 1,022
10/14/2024 0:090:12:07:28 505,696 955
10/13/2024 0:081:20:25:51 437,073 814
10/12/2024 0:052:10:36:20 280,835 525
10/11/2024 0:045:07:55:45 217,394 414
10/10/2024 0:038:22:47:12 195,539 369

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