Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Israel team
Statistics last updated: 4/25/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [4 hour(s) ago]
Page of 174 | Records 1 to 30 - 5213 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
04/25/2024 0:017:07:29:49 120,805 219
04/24/2024 0:018:15:45:47 187,894 264
04/23/2024 0:022:18:20:42 176,073 322
04/22/2024 0:022:00:31:29 236,021 324
04/21/2024 0:023:13:23:06 255,313 342
04/20/2024 0:024:19:57:29 190,219 362
04/19/2024 0:018:09:27:28 136,683 257
04/18/2024 0:016:14:08:20 118,728 220
04/17/2024 0:019:01:13:29 152,898 272
04/16/2024 0:014:17:32:26 124,524 215
04/15/2024 0:012:14:13:18 164,131 187
04/14/2024 0:013:00:45:25 121,588 186
04/13/2024 0:011:23:51:28 219,301 188
04/12/2024 0:011:15:25:03 86,786 148
04/11/2024 0:016:15:04:03 153,022 232
04/10/2024 0:018:02:36:20 249,324 266
04/09/2024 0:019:20:03:39 149,269 284
04/08/2024 0:021:16:40:15 157,885 302
04/07/2024 0:017:03:06:49 126,202 240
04/06/2024 0:014:05:34:21 109,337 194
04/05/2024 0:015:02:05:05 128,455 207
04/04/2024 0:021:03:37:38 158,512 305
04/03/2024 0:020:23:24:24 200,889 311
04/02/2024 0:019:11:27:41 275,573 296
04/01/2024 0:012:07:05:47 259,859 194
03/31/2024 0:003:06:50:55 118,996 58
03/30/2024 0:005:23:33:05 90,164 87
03/29/2024 0:017:02:10:57 206,804 241
03/28/2024 0:014:18:08:36 160,918 225
03/27/2024 0:011:23:27:59 97,195 176

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