Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Team WaiWai
Statistics last updated: 4/28/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [13 hour(s) ago]
Page of 1 | Records 1 to 33 - 33 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
12/11/2012 0:000:02:13:14 442 1
12/10/2012 0:000:02:22:44 1,353 3
12/09/2012 0:001:06:22:25 11,340 18
12/08/2012 0:001:05:34:20 10,721 19
12/07/2012 0:000:15:41:34 7,269 15
12/06/2012 0:000:19:15:56 8,455 15
12/05/2012 0:000:16:21:17 5,258 10
12/04/2012 0:004:01:32:49 34,806 62
12/03/2012 0:011:04:21:06 170,312 334
12/02/2012 0:019:17:26:10 250,916 475
12/01/2012 0:007:05:04:51 132,498 285
11/30/2012 0:012:13:00:50 237,382 492
11/29/2012 0:016:18:10:39 230,969 449
11/28/2012 0:014:23:13:44 239,392 476
11/27/2012 0:009:22:50:51 201,525 435
11/26/2012 0:009:08:50:16 213,792 467
11/25/2012 0:015:05:46:45 237,221 470
11/24/2012 0:018:01:43:36 114,805 146
11/23/2012 0:008:03:44:47 47,799 61
11/22/2012 0:015:10:17:48 92,929 128
11/21/2012 0:014:09:47:15 78,141 103
11/20/2012 0:013:16:37:13 81,291 117
11/19/2012 0:014:17:48:03 83,229 116
11/18/2012 0:012:17:18:12 80,176 118
11/17/2012 0:011:01:29:16 62,131 98
11/16/2012 0:013:07:23:46 75,843 125
11/15/2012 0:014:01:09:28 79,710 123
11/14/2012 0:013:07:51:22 79,566 156
11/13/2012 0:013:19:56:04 75,464 146
11/12/2012 0:016:14:00:25 91,658 163
11/11/2012 0:013:09:15:55 79,569 168
11/10/2012 0:008:03:46:07 61,375 180
11/09/2012 0:001:17:47:10 12,690 41

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