Team statistics history

Team statistics history - BOINCstats
Statistics last updated: 1/15/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [2 hour(s) ago]
Page of 219 | Records 1 to 30 - 6566 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/15/2025 0:041:15:19:28 304,004 560
01/14/2025 0:018:21:03:47 116,046 211
01/13/2025 0:025:05:33:37 181,779 336
01/12/2025 0:033:17:15:10 221,440 408
01/11/2025 0:022:18:30:04 146,265 279
01/10/2025 0:002:13:52:10 15,818 30
12/06/2024 0:012:21:01:28 90,422 171
12/05/2024 0:020:12:50:54 135,219 254
12/04/2024 0:020:23:51:13 133,070 257
12/03/2024 0:021:07:47:03 124,848 225
12/02/2024 0:023:06:34:23 145,447 274
12/01/2024 0:032:03:34:17 223,843 423
11/30/2024 0:033:13:48:01 222,042 419
11/29/2024 0:033:05:50:07 246,810 469
11/28/2024 0:033:09:10:40 242,201 463
11/27/2024 0:026:20:19:41 172,927 325
11/26/2024 0:025:06:40:44 168,126 321
11/25/2024 0:027:22:57:15 199,561 368
11/24/2024 0:028:04:35:03 200,376 359
11/23/2024 0:024:08:06:56 136,321 225
11/22/2024 0:023:21:01:04 153,907 288
11/21/2024 0:050:04:44:06 319,910 418
11/20/2024 0:039:01:36:43 223,943 357
11/19/2024 0:018:11:36:20 104,501 179
11/18/2024 0:015:13:48:39 84,461 158
11/17/2024 0:012:13:01:05 71,505 137
11/16/2024 0:014:14:25:05 79,948 136
11/15/2024 0:014:05:32:03 56,821 101
11/14/2024 0:010:13:14:20 59,084 105
11/13/2024 0:011:09:02:58 68,464 114

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