Team statistics history

Team statistics history - cekseh's contribution to humanity
Statistics last updated: 4/18/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [23 hour(s) ago]
Page of 48 | Records 1 to 30 - 1435 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
02/21/2022 0:000:02:25:21 1,320 2
02/20/2022 0:000:05:12:55 2,637 5
02/19/2022 0:001:10:11:58 16,914 28
02/18/2022 0:002:20:09:58 37,105 61
02/17/2022 0:002:02:41:54 25,161 35
02/16/2022 0:001:11:48:57 17,751 29
02/15/2022 0:006:19:01:53 85,263 134
02/14/2022 0:010:23:52:22 146,376 228
02/13/2022 0:007:03:42:29 91,860 138
02/12/2022 0:008:05:19:19 146,026 165
02/11/2022 0:006:02:03:30 80,097 122
02/10/2022 0:004:15:44:01 108,297 98
02/09/2022 0:009:10:26:41 127,796 195
02/08/2022 0:010:20:42:44 133,225 220
02/07/2022 0:008:03:26:37 102,641 164
02/06/2022 0:008:10:22:22 109,017 179
02/05/2022 0:006:21:46:11 85,933 139
02/04/2022 0:006:01:45:46 79,678 125
02/03/2022 0:006:01:37:53 75,793 125
02/02/2022 0:008:12:00:42 99,171 157
02/01/2022 0:009:21:30:29 158,836 202
01/31/2022 0:009:09:23:57 113,440 190
01/30/2022 0:007:19:20:54 100,074 150
01/29/2022 0:006:06:55:08 194,812 146
01/28/2022 0:006:03:53:12 160,400 130
01/27/2022 0:004:10:24:07 180,325 111
01/26/2022 0:007:20:35:04 179,117 181
01/25/2022 0:009:02:41:04 385,251 222
01/24/2022 0:009:02:18:56 535,794 263
01/23/2022 0:007:13:55:30 401,744 203

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