Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Tequila Sunrise
Statistics last updated: 1/15/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [22 hour(s) ago]
Page of 4 | Records 1 to 60 - 188 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
05/01/2015 0:048:18:41:59 266,221 164
04/30/2015 0:054:05:06:00 303,712 202
04/29/2015 0:056:23:25:20 320,404 218
04/28/2015 0:051:11:19:30 287,876 222
04/27/2015 0:056:23:22:23 311,910 233
04/26/2015 0:050:20:03:52 276,072 243
04/25/2015 0:045:06:13:31 238,214 251
04/24/2015 0:053:05:26:15 267,378 318
04/23/2015 0:058:09:28:33 291,429 308
04/22/2015 0:057:15:55:44 285,337 301
04/21/2015 0:050:15:29:31 257,724 303
04/20/2015 0:056:17:57:59 282,840 313
04/19/2015 0:048:10:50:21 232,076 374
04/18/2015 0:049:00:23:10 250,029 283
04/17/2015 0:044:08:45:16 212,592 341
04/16/2015 0:055:21:16:26 241,992 446
04/15/2015 0:075:04:18:02 267,633 1,993
04/14/2015 0:039:12:09:25 165,322 491
04/13/2015 0:064:07:25:08 298,274 826
04/12/2015 0:062:16:16:40 298,764 818
04/11/2015 0:062:06:33:00 291,675 840
04/10/2015 0:062:08:36:48 298,519 870
04/09/2015 0:035:13:42:30 180,868 547
04/08/2015 0:018:20:32:16 89,419 285
04/07/2015 0:019:04:32:55 90,060 374
04/06/2015 0:018:23:49:10 83,647 256
04/05/2015 0:018:10:01:20 79,300 309
04/04/2015 0:018:20:46:02 82,156 276
04/03/2015 0:018:21:38:25 94,575 298
04/02/2015 0:019:13:45:48 80,515 305
04/01/2015 0:018:23:17:37 102,467 351
03/31/2015 0:018:01:41:53 75,777 338
03/30/2015 0:017:15:51:07 47,223 286
03/29/2015 0:025:08:57:24 93,860 453
03/28/2015 0:029:21:45:53 270,628 748
03/27/2015 0:013:02:08:49 92,265 483
03/26/2015 0:007:00:36:42 29,887 221
03/25/2015 0:011:06:04:29 32,288 259
03/24/2015 0:044:17:15:26 206,730 1,194
03/23/2015 0:046:08:43:11 172,379 895
03/22/2015 0:040:11:49:18 186,781 639
03/21/2015 0:042:04:29:06 188,776 651
03/20/2015 0:044:10:45:18 228,590 847
03/19/2015 0:044:15:39:55 213,714 1,348
03/18/2015 0:036:09:53:02 72,892 691
03/17/2015 0:034:14:15:19 166,236 774
03/16/2015 0:036:05:48:27 155,455 669
03/15/2015 0:034:20:33:38 172,224 592
03/14/2015 0:039:03:10:55 209,279 701
03/13/2015 0:039:05:26:19 190,500 694
03/12/2015 0:042:07:05:26 218,592 848
03/11/2015 0:039:22:03:57 197,910 810
03/10/2015 0:043:22:03:31 159,299 884
03/09/2015 0:040:23:28:15 185,580 681
03/08/2015 0:026:05:21:16 135,998 502
03/07/2015 0:011:05:53:44 59,961 236
03/06/2015 0:007:03:54:54 36,577 170
03/05/2015 0:007:07:49:06 28,069 110
03/04/2015 0:008:16:22:38 30,431 118
03/03/2015 0:008:08:47:18 62,150 218

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