Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Poland
Statistics last updated: 10/3/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [8 hour(s) ago]
Page of 117 | Records 1 to 60 - 7004 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/03/2024 0:044:09:49:42 348,113 665
10/02/2024 0:045:12:10:02 358,867 678
10/01/2024 0:047:03:47:58 369,053 703
09/30/2024 0:037:16:23:52 297,828 570
09/29/2024 0:027:23:37:39 205,256 393
09/28/2024 0:029:07:46:43 220,522 425
09/27/2024 0:046:21:33:48 353,349 672
09/26/2024 0:045:19:59:27 356,240 680
09/25/2024 0:053:22:47:31 402,021 763
09/24/2024 0:054:01:27:11 413,339 794
09/23/2024 0:050:08:04:22 395,977 752
09/22/2024 0:045:00:44:01 343,497 650
09/21/2024 0:042:10:31:27 321,024 608
09/20/2024 0:050:08:26:03 380,218 722
09/19/2024 0:050:07:42:12 377,095 721
09/18/2024 0:046:09:26:30 362,893 689
09/17/2024 0:051:20:23:18 419,872 789
09/16/2024 0:059:07:16:27 460,096 873
09/15/2024 0:067:10:15:53 502,620 965
09/14/2024 0:062:01:37:56 475,091 911
09/13/2024 0:054:00:56:44 422,963 798
09/12/2024 0:053:15:37:49 425,155 800
09/11/2024 0:057:02:08:11 443,343 837
09/10/2024 0:056:09:38:32 430,097 825
09/09/2024 0:061:11:48:05 471,143 905
09/08/2024 0:059:18:24:26 448,074 856
09/07/2024 0:060:17:00:55 465,330 891
09/06/2024 0:061:15:00:57 469,160 890
09/05/2024 0:056:03:06:34 424,494 813
09/04/2024 0:049:04:45:53 387,921 745
09/03/2024 0:059:06:25:04 463,046 888
09/02/2024 0:058:10:00:30 472,451 917
09/01/2024 0:055:06:39:26 429,712 833
08/31/2024 0:052:03:23:41 411,032 787
08/30/2024 0:042:12:19:55 339,833 665
08/29/2024 0:047:09:03:36 366,837 707
08/28/2024 0:050:01:10:45 398,050 774
08/27/2024 0:050:15:02:55 406,390 785
08/26/2024 0:051:01:36:16 402,304 773
08/25/2024 0:049:18:19:46 383,430 740
08/24/2024 0:052:05:24:46 398,266 769
08/23/2024 0:051:12:59:00 408,198 794
08/22/2024 0:055:19:20:40 432,819 838
08/21/2024 0:057:22:54:21 451,439 872
08/20/2024 0:053:02:13:51 419,275 802
08/19/2024 0:049:09:52:40 380,371 719
08/18/2024 0:042:20:46:39 333,684 629
08/17/2024 0:047:23:45:21 374,625 704
08/16/2024 0:047:11:16:18 380,141 712
08/15/2024 0:046:07:42:38 374,836 700
08/14/2024 0:059:18:29:53 475,013 868
08/13/2024 0:056:09:19:09 436,368 827
08/12/2024 0:060:08:34:31 455,995 878
08/11/2024 0:052:00:06:49 400,060 765
08/10/2024 0:040:06:30:42 321,385 607
08/09/2024 0:049:06:45:48 384,359 732
08/08/2024 0:054:08:11:26 422,863 814
08/07/2024 0:059:19:18:50 461,216 886
08/06/2024 0:059:03:05:50 445,901 861
08/05/2024 0:057:22:04:47 440,118 851

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