Team statistics history

Team statistics history -
Statistics last updated: 1/23/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [7 hour(s) ago]
Page of 89 | Records 1 to 30 - 2655 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/23/2025 1:034:05:05:51 1,572,206 2,933
01/22/2025 1:020:07:39:36 1,524,420 2,842
01/21/2025 1:021:16:01:25 1,544,720 2,863
01/20/2025 1:043:04:00:21 1,620,742 3,006
01/19/2025 1:026:22:23:28 1,563,852 2,906
01/18/2025 1:023:05:02:14 1,541,892 2,860
01/17/2025 1:052:22:24:35 1,671,113 3,088
01/16/2025 1:057:18:05:19 1,690,376 3,123
01/15/2025 1:073:05:18:57 1,759,231 3,256
01/14/2025 0:224:23:52:11 895,260 1,651
01/13/2025 1:074:08:44:44 1,767,316 3,251
01/12/2025 0:342:09:08:49 1,416,209 2,598
01/11/2025 4:003:19:06:22 5,780,757 10,914
01/10/2025 0:319:17:36:46 1,260,763 2,369
12/07/2024 0:001:07:59:11 5,825 11
12/06/2024 1:031:04:38:32 1,534,912 2,911
12/05/2024 1:038:08:01:45 1,568,707 2,972
12/04/2024 1:049:17:15:49 1,614,929 3,064
12/03/2024 1:036:06:09:57 1,564,331 2,967
12/02/2024 1:041:08:48:59 1,577,321 2,994
12/01/2024 1:046:08:01:41 1,609,369 3,053
11/30/2024 1:083:02:48:00 1,742,871 3,303
11/29/2024 1:034:05:08:41 1,558,140 2,952
11/28/2024 1:046:14:40:53 1,589,296 3,010
11/27/2024 1:023:13:07:28 1,526,108 2,897
11/26/2024 1:038:04:58:30 1,576,252 2,979
11/25/2024 1:042:00:22:40 1,585,824 2,989
11/24/2024 1:040:23:32:05 1,589,937 2,991
11/23/2024 1:053:19:36:12 1,644,009 3,080
11/22/2024 1:082:23:09:40 1,772,225 3,311

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