Team statistics history

Team statistics history -
Statistics last updated: 10/23/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [6 hour(s) ago]
Page of 87 | Records 1 to 30 - 2596 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/23/2024 0:352:09:57:31 1,488,256 2,819
10/22/2024 0:336:20:30:45 1,435,507 2,712
10/21/2024 0:344:21:11:34 1,488,217 2,819
10/20/2024 0:331:08:57:20 1,435,948 2,719
10/19/2024 0:344:18:12:13 1,487,052 2,826
10/18/2024 0:350:00:06:04 1,520,799 2,884
10/17/2024 0:339:21:45:19 1,506,173 2,856
10/16/2024 0:343:18:24:37 1,523,113 2,878
10/15/2024 0:339:19:01:04 1,485,241 2,814
10/14/2024 0:334:09:56:34 1,460,689 2,747
10/13/2024 0:334:19:40:03 1,466,834 2,760
10/12/2024 0:322:23:33:41 1,382,585 2,611
10/11/2024 0:324:19:45:41 1,378,045 2,610
10/10/2024 0:331:13:23:58 1,443,370 2,718
10/09/2024 1:091:23:56:42 1,975,639 3,736
10/08/2024 0:172:09:12:50 745,328 1,407
10/07/2024 0:341:19:28:11 1,468,683 2,781
10/06/2024 0:342:01:31:15 1,463,992 2,775
10/05/2024 0:336:06:03:56 1,451,406 2,754
10/04/2024 0:350:18:24:29 1,501,355 2,839
10/03/2024 0:338:01:21:40 1,458,592 2,768
10/02/2024 0:325:15:45:01 1,416,338 2,675
10/01/2024 0:337:14:21:23 1,454,566 2,749
09/30/2024 0:340:16:33:49 1,491,088 2,816
09/29/2024 0:337:06:47:43 1,456,646 2,759
09/28/2024 0:348:08:56:38 1,499,403 2,835
09/27/2024 0:343:06:37:15 1,482,223 2,808
09/26/2024 0:344:04:21:50 1,485,801 2,800
09/25/2024 0:348:02:56:05 1,494,245 2,826
09/24/2024 0:343:12:56:12 1,478,031 2,791

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