Team statistics history

Team statistics history - SETI.Germany
Statistics last updated: 10/23/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [6 hour(s) ago]
Page of 3 | Records 1 to 14 - 41 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/23/2024 2:154:14:31:40 6,147,708 11,624
10/22/2024 2:149:21:20:38 6,063,912 11,473
10/21/2024 2:124:21:52:18 5,889,005 11,148
10/20/2024 2:124:10:30:23 5,703,086 10,800
10/19/2024 2:068:13:29:52 5,342,904 10,136
10/18/2024 2:078:09:05:10 5,438,280 10,300
10/17/2024 2:139:19:36:40 5,832,888 11,087
10/16/2024 2:097:01:10:10 5,690,009 10,803
10/15/2024 2:116:11:54:33 5,843,346 11,061
10/14/2024 2:124:12:52:53 5,730,558 10,854
10/13/2024 2:036:10:30:08 5,054,884 9,489
10/12/2024 1:356:07:57:10 4,766,044 8,960
10/11/2024 1:109:04:59:05 3,129,579 5,932
10/10/2024 1:030:00:49:54 2,448,923 4,685

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