Team statistics history

Team statistics history - BOINC@Taiwan
Statistics last updated: 10/7/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [11 hour(s) ago]
Page of 109 | Records 1 to 60 - 6518 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/07/2024 3:132:15:31:14 6,569,010 12,442
10/06/2024 3:044:17:13:18 5,931,683 11,240
10/05/2024 3:003:13:04:46 5,593,232 10,564
10/04/2024 3:006:21:08:22 5,751,985 10,837
10/03/2024 3:060:19:02:37 5,915,993 11,237
10/02/2024 2:320:05:10:21 5,368,123 10,157
10/01/2024 2:311:04:13:18 5,142,944 9,779
09/30/2024 3:100:00:08:53 6,420,627 12,234
09/29/2024 3:104:17:06:39 6,247,483 11,831
09/28/2024 3:068:06:32:23 6,002,072 11,378
09/27/2024 3:051:15:47:34 5,979,463 11,295
09/26/2024 3:105:16:16:29 6,156,250 11,551
09/25/2024 3:121:02:09:58 6,400,915 12,078
09/24/2024 3:072:13:56:53 6,251,540 11,756
09/23/2024 3:137:22:40:35 6,695,032 12,651
09/22/2024 2:294:07:38:59 5,154,412 9,792
09/21/2024 2:184:02:12:10 4,656,533 8,822
09/20/2024 2:325:02:51:56 5,223,884 9,931
09/19/2024 3:006:10:39:35 5,811,280 11,078
09/18/2024 2:336:06:42:55 5,484,636 10,352
09/17/2024 2:290:01:25:39 5,083,618 9,666
09/16/2024 3:095:19:13:32 6,312,467 12,036
09/15/2024 3:003:09:21:58 5,580,753 10,649
09/14/2024 2:317:00:02:57 5,306,588 10,096
09/13/2024 2:305:05:38:22 5,272,931 9,970
09/12/2024 2:279:13:41:54 5,083,601 9,650
09/11/2024 3:036:03:18:37 6,004,853 11,415
09/10/2024 2:338:16:10:29 5,519,213 10,493
09/09/2024 2:349:02:12:28 5,370,546 10,265
09/08/2024 3:036:12:28:38 5,679,087 10,805
09/07/2024 3:027:06:59:40 5,652,978 10,762
09/06/2024 2:338:08:46:42 5,403,925 10,319
09/05/2024 2:326:03:36:28 5,370,229 10,225
09/04/2024 2:361:22:20:49 5,651,789 10,826
09/03/2024 3:056:00:53:47 5,994,415 11,461
09/02/2024 3:169:00:30:21 6,687,572 12,855
09/01/2024 2:303:11:02:32 5,231,297 10,075
08/31/2024 3:010:14:09:49 5,694,244 10,900
08/30/2024 3:023:12:27:37 5,752,464 11,111
08/29/2024 2:305:14:11:39 5,399,030 10,376
08/28/2024 2:316:09:44:15 5,577,630 10,679
08/27/2024 2:348:16:13:11 5,690,861 10,864
08/26/2024 3:091:13:52:32 6,566,694 12,546
08/25/2024 2:352:15:57:39 5,717,690 10,944
08/24/2024 2:293:08:57:11 5,373,128 10,242
08/23/2024 2:314:17:31:47 5,576,362 10,668
08/22/2024 2:349:12:32:30 5,788,608 11,051
08/21/2024 2:357:08:35:47 5,827,472 11,170
08/20/2024 2:318:06:36:50 5,601,002 10,754
08/19/2024 3:035:03:50:16 6,396,034 12,216
08/18/2024 2:176:17:48:17 4,766,678 9,116
08/17/2024 2:232:01:56:49 4,972,326 9,423
08/16/2024 2:330:04:47:30 5,550,321 10,539
08/15/2024 2:240:14:26:47 5,146,874 9,804
08/14/2024 2:259:08:58:17 5,248,564 10,031
08/13/2024 2:324:10:54:26 5,573,556 10,674
08/12/2024 2:288:13:55:55 5,485,302 10,497
08/11/2024 2:150:23:52:52 4,533,343 8,706
08/10/2024 2:138:09:56:20 4,497,969 8,611
08/09/2024 2:231:23:24:54 4,999,726 9,578

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