Team statistics history

Team statistics history - 南京邮电大学
Statistics last updated: 4/25/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [23 hour(s) ago]
Page of 3 | Records 1 to 60 - 142 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
08/04/2021 0:001:18:57:40 7,016 11
08/01/2021 0:002:22:16:58 11,199 18
07/31/2021 0:000:18:27:32 7,832 6
07/30/2021 0:001:14:02:20 6,502 10
07/29/2021 0:002:18:37:58 11,942 18
07/28/2021 0:002:07:56:10 9,647 15
07/27/2021 0:002:18:33:12 11,850 17
07/26/2021 0:002:21:11:43 17,301 20
07/25/2021 0:000:11:00:50 6,529 4
07/24/2021 0:003:09:22:27 21,785 24
07/23/2021 0:001:12:39:10 13,817 11
07/22/2021 0:001:03:44:22 8,534 8
07/21/2021 0:002:05:41:22 9,338 13
07/20/2021 0:000:08:12:36 1,170 2
07/18/2021 0:000:20:39:50 4,712 5
07/17/2021 0:000:23:15:11 14,668 8
07/15/2021 0:001:03:06:43 3,888 6
07/14/2021 0:003:09:34:17 11,082 15
07/13/2021 0:000:21:03:34 5,655 9
07/12/2021 0:000:06:56:01 1,870 3
07/11/2021 0:000:23:41:40 6,569 10
07/10/2021 0:000:23:22:55 6,472 10
07/09/2021 0:000:23:14:34 6,436 10
07/08/2021 0:001:01:46:18 7,094 11
07/07/2021 0:000:21:10:50 5,899 9
07/06/2021 0:000:14:14:03 3,605 7
07/02/2021 0:000:08:53:53 1,309 2
07/01/2021 0:000:08:53:00 1,451 2
06/30/2021 0:001:22:33:26 12,686 9
06/29/2021 0:002:15:28:54 5,290 8
06/27/2021 0:001:22:11:54 1,271 2
06/26/2021 0:000:14:32:35 558 1
06/25/2021 0:002:07:38:30 2,277 3
06/24/2021 0:002:12:54:54 2,776 4
06/23/2021 0:000:15:50:59 2,824 4
06/22/2021 0:003:08:27:45 4,122 6
06/21/2021 0:002:17:18:44 6,897 11
06/20/2021 0:005:03:23:02 16,203 24
06/19/2021 0:006:01:51:16 13,422 20
06/18/2021 0:004:09:54:10 16,522 23
06/17/2021 0:001:09:35:08 9,069 13
06/16/2021 0:000:20:30:31 5,635 9
06/15/2021 0:001:00:50:07 6,810 11
06/14/2021 0:000:22:36:49 6,120 10
06/13/2021 0:001:00:40:03 6,527 11
06/12/2021 0:000:20:29:19 6,288 9
06/11/2021 0:000:22:27:41 6,054 10
06/10/2021 0:001:00:58:19 6,622 11
06/09/2021 0:000:22:55:08 6,057 10
06/08/2021 0:000:23:22:55 6,229 10
06/07/2021 0:001:00:57:26 6,721 11
06/06/2021 0:000:23:07:11 6,254 10
06/05/2021 0:001:00:54:19 6,823 11
06/04/2021 0:000:22:37:57 6,247 10
06/03/2021 0:000:23:53:33 6,525 11
06/02/2021 0:001:00:13:20 6,576 11
06/01/2021 0:000:22:21:48 5,927 10
05/31/2021 0:000:23:53:14 6,359 11
05/30/2021 0:001:00:08:32 6,390 11
05/29/2021 0:000:19:49:22 6,132 9

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