Team statistics history

Team statistics history - PitayaChen
Statistics last updated: 10/23/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [6 hour(s) ago]
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
09/06/2023 0:001:01:45:59 2,994 4
09/05/2023 0:002:15:56:36 7,577 16
09/04/2023 0:002:04:28:46 7,975 15
08/28/2023 0:000:11:45:04 2,484 4
08/27/2023 0:000:20:13:36 4,282 7
08/26/2023 0:003:15:24:42 12,771 25
08/25/2023 0:004:15:36:31 22,404 38
08/24/2023 0:025:10:10:11 135,878 204
08/23/2023 0:007:09:52:02 30,982 61
08/22/2023 0:001:22:30:37 6,765 12
08/21/2023 0:004:20:59:00 17,525 32
08/20/2023 0:002:22:02:28 9,561 25
08/19/2023 0:016:14:23:12 62,066 109
08/18/2023 0:021:04:47:06 69,399 130
08/17/2023 0:013:16:08:20 50,535 78
08/16/2023 0:000:16:09:00 3,093 5
08/15/2023 0:004:00:24:59 20,240 33
08/14/2023 0:001:11:55:24 6,852 11
08/13/2023 0:010:07:01:11 44,830 74
08/12/2023 0:008:14:20:39 36,257 62
08/11/2023 0:022:22:04:05 93,388 155
08/10/2023 0:023:19:53:41 94,715 155
08/09/2023 0:010:17:09:43 35,589 67
08/08/2023 0:001:04:26:52 6,338 9
08/07/2023 0:007:18:31:18 28,318 50
08/06/2023 0:022:17:04:48 85,500 132
08/05/2023 0:028:15:14:06 111,181 187
08/04/2023 0:010:17:33:53 40,459 69
08/03/2023 0:002:15:29:39 12,904 21
08/02/2023 0:001:23:13:26 9,439 17
11/30/2022 0:000:00:38:42 453 1
11/27/2022 0:000:01:31:41 144,709 23
11/25/2022 0:000:02:00:46 1,173 3
11/24/2022 0:000:00:04:06 60,553 9
05/08/2019 0:000:05:43:01 1,223 2
05/06/2019 0:000:10:05:13 2,004 3
09/28/2018 0:000:12:59:58 2,075 2
09/25/2018 0:000:04:50:58 747 1
09/20/2018 0:000:08:45:08 1,106 1
09/19/2018 0:000:07:54:48 1,014 1
09/18/2018 0:000:19:24:18 2,808 3

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