Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Kernow Bys Vyken
Statistics last updated: 4/24/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [21 hour(s) ago]
Page of 8 | Records 1 to 60 - 471 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/31/2023 0:000:14:23:21 942 2
10/27/2023 0:000:13:57:07 1,027 2
10/26/2023 0:001:07:48:48 2,266 4
10/25/2023 0:001:04:24:30 2,167 4
10/24/2023 0:001:04:47:12 2,248 4
10/23/2023 0:001:05:32:47 2,287 4
07/08/2023 0:000:22:04:34 4,270 4
11/12/2022 0:000:10:40:15 778 1
11/09/2022 0:001:20:41:59 3,674 5
11/08/2022 0:002:11:24:35 5,495 6
11/07/2022 0:000:09:41:37 1,048 1
11/06/2022 0:000:19:52:32 2,167 2
02/21/2022 0:000:15:04:11 5,739 10
02/20/2022 0:000:07:58:40 2,526 4
02/19/2022 0:000:08:27:10 2,942 5
02/18/2022 0:000:02:17:27 621 1
02/17/2022 0:000:11:49:15 3,698 6
02/16/2022 0:001:00:30:15 8,755 14
02/15/2022 0:007:02:17:35 45,403 76
02/14/2022 0:009:10:41:30 55,046 92
02/13/2022 0:010:05:54:45 68,727 107
02/12/2022 0:010:21:10:13 69,756 119
02/11/2022 0:009:06:47:16 55,940 95
02/10/2022 0:010:21:37:11 66,499 109
02/09/2022 0:008:06:19:03 49,485 84
02/08/2022 0:009:00:12:24 55,215 85
02/07/2022 0:008:13:00:06 51,182 86
02/06/2022 0:008:05:25:47 50,462 84
02/05/2022 0:008:18:27:56 53,148 84
02/04/2022 0:008:09:08:59 95,418 91
02/03/2022 0:007:23:23:11 182,035 103
02/02/2022 0:009:08:45:48 63,798 100
02/01/2022 0:008:15:57:29 66,788 86
01/31/2022 0:007:15:38:56 55,400 79
01/30/2022 0:007:08:43:15 82,905 82
01/29/2022 0:008:16:15:19 251,714 123
01/28/2022 0:008:05:52:27 158,331 104
01/27/2022 0:009:00:13:42 76,086 99
01/26/2022 0:008:22:13:13 182,508 118
01/25/2022 0:008:00:52:06 230,484 117
01/24/2022 0:006:10:22:53 92,964 59
01/23/2022 0:004:20:53:08 29,094 49
01/22/2022 0:009:08:07:29 61,955 105
01/21/2022 0:007:22:22:16 126,022 100
01/20/2022 0:008:21:07:02 164,425 124
01/19/2022 0:009:04:31:43 64,516 98
01/18/2022 0:008:23:38:22 240,429 132
01/17/2022 0:008:02:51:25 265,061 130
01/16/2022 0:009:07:23:36 263,409 138
01/15/2022 0:009:12:52:04 212,575 127
01/14/2022 0:009:10:37:34 188,078 104
01/13/2022 0:009:16:36:12 190,068 108
01/12/2022 0:009:10:55:28 55,962 79
01/11/2022 0:008:21:20:59 50,765 69
01/10/2022 0:009:16:52:24 55,147 77
01/09/2022 0:009:18:57:39 56,410 80
01/08/2022 0:009:11:53:32 133,722 98
01/07/2022 0:009:07:42:26 70,325 85
01/06/2022 0:010:05:50:04 61,914 88
01/05/2022 0:009:11:17:59 146,064 107

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Page of 8 | Records 1 to 60 - 471 total  | records per page

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