Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Rutgers University
Statistics last updated: 11/12/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [10 hour(s) ago]
Page of 112 | Records 1 to 60 - 6689 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
11/12/2024 0:003:04:49:00 26,866 52
11/11/2024 0:002:21:38:05 19,859 40
11/10/2024 0:002:18:35:31 23,232 44
11/09/2024 0:002:22:51:16 20,817 40
11/08/2024 0:004:04:32:28 37,036 70
11/07/2024 0:003:06:18:09 27,345 53
11/06/2024 0:004:16:06:22 33,346 63
11/05/2024 0:008:12:23:02 54,517 103
11/04/2024 0:012:22:24:40 88,719 169
11/03/2024 0:008:23:14:52 62,679 123
11/02/2024 0:016:13:12:27 108,591 204
11/01/2024 0:013:09:42:29 87,896 167
10/31/2024 0:011:16:26:58 76,361 144
10/30/2024 0:011:05:57:42 75,441 141
10/29/2024 0:012:14:13:31 83,504 157
10/28/2024 0:011:03:05:47 74,640 140
10/27/2024 0:014:05:36:24 93,031 173
10/26/2024 0:013:16:06:22 95,944 178
10/25/2024 0:015:03:38:41 103,381 194
10/24/2024 0:018:14:45:41 132,137 248
10/23/2024 0:017:05:33:43 124,234 234
10/22/2024 0:014:23:40:59 105,685 200
10/21/2024 0:017:21:42:19 124,593 237
10/20/2024 0:016:21:02:23 116,746 223
10/19/2024 0:017:15:24:02 118,832 225
10/18/2024 0:015:09:41:24 104,467 200
10/17/2024 0:018:15:33:02 127,745 242
10/16/2024 0:016:03:31:28 114,546 217
10/15/2024 0:016:16:09:57 116,342 220
10/14/2024 0:013:12:32:19 95,067 180
10/13/2024 0:013:04:20:43 91,858 173
10/12/2024 0:013:03:50:48 97,741 183
10/11/2024 0:012:00:39:04 88,374 168
10/10/2024 0:010:02:08:59 74,488 144
10/09/2024 0:016:23:12:29 120,567 228
10/08/2024 0:008:13:09:27 60,610 116
10/07/2024 0:018:21:26:43 129,344 244
10/06/2024 0:018:00:17:58 119,341 224
10/05/2024 0:015:04:42:30 108,369 206
10/04/2024 0:017:15:49:27 117,405 221
10/03/2024 0:015:23:26:28 110,093 207
10/02/2024 0:018:10:23:11 126,522 239
10/01/2024 0:020:00:33:11 139,179 264
09/30/2024 0:017:05:00:51 117,273 221
09/29/2024 0:018:00:56:56 121,583 232
09/28/2024 0:017:04:14:10 121,586 231
09/27/2024 0:022:17:21:22 157,640 296
09/26/2024 0:020:04:48:19 145,247 274
09/25/2024 0:019:13:09:05 133,394 255
09/24/2024 0:020:10:45:40 139,342 264
09/23/2024 0:021:12:39:09 151,343 285
09/22/2024 0:014:22:15:35 104,965 200
09/21/2024 0:017:02:49:54 118,693 223
09/20/2024 0:014:07:46:19 100,398 191
09/19/2024 0:022:04:38:28 149,572 290
09/18/2024 0:020:21:11:41 143,317 275
09/17/2024 0:018:02:19:52 118,454 221
09/16/2024 0:014:08:48:38 100,515 191
09/15/2024 0:014:17:14:46 101,192 191
09/14/2024 0:013:00:17:44 92,145 174

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