Team statistics history

Team statistics history - The Possums
Statistics last updated: 9/7/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [16 hour(s) ago]
Page of 216 | Records 1 to 30 - 6451 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
09/07/2024 0:162:22:29:25 1,068,417 2,038
09/06/2024 0:151:19:52:20 996,175 1,887
09/05/2024 0:155:20:45:11 1,019,801 1,952
09/04/2024 0:162:05:05:28 1,053,811 2,007
09/03/2024 0:160:13:43:01 1,044,505 1,996
09/02/2024 0:153:04:32:00 1,000,336 1,919
09/01/2024 0:160:09:44:04 1,035,615 1,985
08/31/2024 0:159:16:06:38 1,031,212 1,999
08/30/2024 0:164:01:59:14 1,057,963 2,024
08/29/2024 0:152:09:16:12 1,005,432 1,934
08/28/2024 0:151:11:16:23 985,002 1,882
08/27/2024 0:162:02:10:33 1,061,435 2,023
08/26/2024 0:155:16:41:29 1,032,959 1,973
08/25/2024 0:154:23:01:20 1,002,220 1,917
08/24/2024 0:158:20:14:12 1,039,115 1,990
08/23/2024 0:159:08:09:49 1,045,226 2,009
08/22/2024 0:164:20:00:54 1,058,094 2,028
08/21/2024 0:165:06:07:37 1,064,535 2,047
08/20/2024 0:158:18:40:52 1,008,941 1,951
08/19/2024 0:151:09:25:01 964,246 1,870
08/18/2024 0:148:18:00:53 903,162 1,719
08/17/2024 0:160:12:24:53 966,317 1,845
08/16/2024 0:164:04:06:50 990,585 1,880
08/15/2024 0:155:05:07:27 947,349 1,797
08/14/2024 0:162:12:35:31 987,597 1,894
08/13/2024 0:158:09:22:59 943,884 1,809
08/12/2024 0:150:22:39:12 920,710 1,765
08/11/2024 0:153:05:29:22 917,559 1,753
08/10/2024 0:157:06:41:27 953,011 1,828
08/09/2024 0:152:15:45:29 926,528 1,771

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Page of 216 | Records 1 to 30 - 6451 total  | records per page

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