Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Gael, Gaeil is Gaidheil
Statistics last updated: 1/22/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [11 hour(s) ago]
Page of 83 | Records 1 to 60 - 4965 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/22/2025 0:015:13:10:44 136,887 246
01/21/2025 0:011:04:06:20 97,113 182
01/20/2025 0:009:16:32:34 85,218 159
01/19/2025 0:010:03:19:15 89,499 169
01/18/2025 0:016:13:06:18 144,509 267
01/17/2025 0:017:16:55:58 153,666 287
01/16/2025 0:019:06:29:40 165,618 310
01/15/2025 0:014:16:31:15 119,571 239
01/14/2025 0:006:20:05:24 49,034 108
01/13/2025 0:002:05:56:04 19,569 36
01/12/2025 0:001:21:59:58 17,550 30
01/11/2025 0:007:02:22:03 62,847 119
01/10/2025 0:000:16:53:53 6,489 12
12/06/2024 0:006:22:25:02 60,663 115
12/05/2024 0:007:07:23:38 64,359 121
12/04/2024 0:006:08:12:23 55,531 107
12/03/2024 0:007:10:02:03 65,533 122
12/02/2024 0:008:06:25:10 72,400 137
12/01/2024 0:012:01:07:05 104,640 198
11/30/2024 0:015:02:01:15 132,344 250
11/29/2024 0:017:07:22:02 149,017 282
11/28/2024 0:014:07:54:56 124,416 235
11/27/2024 0:013:01:36:48 113,508 215
11/26/2024 0:006:10:59:28 56,464 107
11/25/2024 0:003:19:33:07 33,605 64
11/24/2024 0:003:14:26:07 31,272 59
11/23/2024 0:003:10:06:21 30,203 57
11/22/2024 0:006:15:12:29 58,664 111
11/21/2024 0:011:14:34:16 104,833 180
11/20/2024 0:010:15:33:21 96,443 169
11/19/2024 0:003:13:10:39 32,305 61
11/18/2024 0:001:22:59:36 17,864 34
11/17/2024 0:001:19:11:04 16,061 31
11/16/2024 0:003:17:23:01 33,665 64
11/15/2024 0:001:08:55:16 12,861 24
11/14/2024 0:000:15:12:06 5,981 11
11/13/2024 0:001:00:14:44 8,967 17
11/12/2024 0:000:15:02:25 5,815 11
11/11/2024 0:001:13:26:14 13,383 20
11/10/2024 0:001:09:26:37 12,230 17
11/09/2024 0:000:14:00:03 4,932 10
11/08/2024 0:003:00:02:10 25,248 44
11/07/2024 0:001:04:32:12 10,188 20
11/06/2024 0:001:04:15:05 10,553 20
11/05/2024 0:002:08:35:55 21,302 40
11/04/2024 0:003:20:30:50 33,898 64
11/03/2024 0:004:04:43:20 37,298 71
11/02/2024 0:005:15:52:39 49,671 94
11/01/2024 0:006:18:00:16 60,138 106
10/31/2024 0:007:04:12:28 63,743 120
10/30/2024 0:001:01:31:19 9,612 18
10/29/2024 0:002:08:50:10 20,621 39
10/28/2024 0:000:03:53:22 1,534 3
10/27/2024 0:000:06:36:58 2,767 5
10/26/2024 0:001:05:50:55 11,023 21
10/25/2024 0:000:16:05:32 5,894 11
10/24/2024 0:001:13:50:18 14,118 26
10/23/2024 0:001:11:34:39 12,773 24
10/22/2024 0:003:03:25:04 27,509 52
10/21/2024 0:007:08:31:38 63,934 121

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