Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Manangos Coin
Statistics last updated: 9/7/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [16 hour(s) ago]
Page of 11 | Records 1 to 60 - 648 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
09/07/2024 0:001:23:47:15 4,923 9
09/06/2024 0:002:00:06:25 4,967 9
09/05/2024 0:001:05:36:04 4,507 8
09/04/2024 0:004:09:50:26 11,023 24
09/03/2024 0:002:02:07:50 1,547 3
09/02/2024 0:000:20:46:46 1,057 2
09/01/2024 0:004:03:00:32 6,406 12
08/31/2024 0:001:22:30:48 4,515 9
08/30/2024 0:001:18:22:32 6,456 12
08/29/2024 0:000:21:07:15 3,090 6
08/28/2024 0:001:06:10:55 4,309 8
08/27/2024 0:002:01:33:07 5,220 10
08/26/2024 0:003:05:39:08 5,408 10
08/25/2024 0:001:06:01:17 4,362 8
08/24/2024 0:001:07:57:12 4,717 9
08/23/2024 0:002:17:36:32 5,749 11
08/22/2024 0:002:02:57:49 9,063 18
08/21/2024 0:002:12:22:42 9,903 19
08/20/2024 0:008:08:34:47 35,447 67
08/19/2024 0:002:11:13:57 13,306 26
08/18/2024 0:003:02:51:56 20,346 38
08/17/2024 0:004:07:19:44 22,442 41
08/16/2024 0:007:21:33:30 56,498 108
08/15/2024 0:007:09:17:23 52,295 100
08/14/2024 0:008:10:52:56 55,734 105
08/13/2024 0:004:22:57:49 34,517 67
08/12/2024 0:002:00:24:00 7,109 15
08/11/2024 0:003:16:37:01 5,719 13
08/10/2024 0:001:04:12:59 2,000 4
08/09/2024 0:001:21:53:40 4,477 9
08/08/2024 0:002:08:29:09 5,898 12
08/07/2024 0:004:03:46:46 9,185 19
08/06/2024 0:000:23:57:52 1,562 3
08/05/2024 0:000:17:19:11 3,156 6
08/04/2024 0:003:23:51:07 11,302 21
08/03/2024 0:001:13:00:32 3,731 7
08/02/2024 0:000:14:38:05 3,112 6
08/01/2024 0:001:09:35:04 11,484 22
07/31/2024 0:004:19:53:16 34,011 66
07/30/2024 0:004:20:45:47 18,858 37
07/29/2024 0:008:22:08:08 73,817 144
07/28/2024 0:014:13:18:01 119,956 229
07/27/2024 0:015:12:47:51 137,583 265
07/26/2024 0:017:11:38:33 149,479 288
07/25/2024 0:014:18:28:40 112,620 215
07/24/2024 0:017:00:50:37 152,810 290
07/23/2024 0:013:19:14:27 113,265 219
07/22/2024 0:004:02:14:32 19,773 37
07/21/2024 0:003:04:22:43 12,462 26
07/20/2024 0:003:18:01:24 19,634 39
07/19/2024 0:007:02:16:25 52,683 104
07/18/2024 0:013:13:28:35 100,505 194
07/17/2024 0:013:20:37:44 112,967 222
07/16/2024 0:011:10:37:59 85,482 170
07/15/2024 0:009:08:48:40 60,545 119
07/14/2024 0:009:13:26:55 66,555 135
07/13/2024 0:013:04:53:36 107,251 218
07/12/2024 0:023:05:13:07 190,358 381
07/11/2024 0:014:18:31:54 117,887 232
07/10/2024 0:013:12:24:37 100,130 195

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