Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Alver Valley Software Limited
Statistics last updated: 1/23/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [6 hour(s) ago]
Page of 71 | Records 1 to 60 - 4235 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
02/21/2022 0:000:06:37:11 3,150 5
02/20/2022 0:000:16:40:15 4,426 8
02/19/2022 0:000:18:51:44 7,026 12
02/18/2022 0:013:18:45:16 111,484 196
02/17/2022 0:014:06:06:49 106,740 184
02/16/2022 0:011:07:54:03 96,908 138
02/15/2022 0:012:16:40:21 166,792 161
02/14/2022 0:011:10:14:33 632,422 227
02/13/2022 0:012:07:13:04 927,663 282
02/12/2022 0:006:12:03:58 546,915 159
02/11/2022 0:014:11:48:41 1,445,981 401
02/10/2022 0:017:15:39:59 963,293 347
02/09/2022 0:017:09:54:23 788,101 303
02/08/2022 0:017:09:35:45 504,046 271
02/07/2022 0:018:07:04:36 486,235 278
02/06/2022 0:017:13:09:28 1,112,810 361
02/05/2022 0:011:01:09:54 995,556 291
02/04/2022 0:014:14:01:14 669,815 265
02/03/2022 0:017:08:56:29 1,756,707 472
02/02/2022 0:016:16:56:05 1,038,018 328
02/01/2022 0:017:20:54:09 1,151,179 382
01/31/2022 0:019:00:16:44 1,121,098 380
01/30/2022 0:016:23:15:35 1,302,396 398
01/29/2022 0:012:05:22:43 1,451,724 403
01/28/2022 0:015:21:34:10 1,703,176 505
01/27/2022 0:017:16:27:28 1,480,886 455
01/26/2022 0:017:22:43:48 1,617,932 492
01/25/2022 0:016:17:08:16 1,629,109 492
01/24/2022 0:016:11:15:27 1,621,157 496
01/23/2022 0:009:23:31:10 738,094 244
01/22/2022 0:016:14:27:13 1,273,566 418
01/21/2022 0:013:20:52:04 954,970 332
01/20/2022 0:021:00:10:17 1,563,922 553
01/19/2022 0:022:22:34:48 1,133,324 466
01/18/2022 0:016:00:40:13 1,089,088 385
01/17/2022 0:021:09:46:05 1,452,327 549
01/16/2022 0:021:19:12:19 1,477,275 519
01/15/2022 0:024:09:44:53 1,435,204 544
01/14/2022 0:018:08:59:29 1,182,899 433
01/13/2022 0:021:21:57:35 1,403,651 486
01/12/2022 0:021:19:14:39 1,165,384 454
01/11/2022 0:019:22:11:59 1,123,751 448
01/10/2022 0:021:12:29:47 1,085,337 504
01/09/2022 0:021:03:51:47 982,569 501
01/08/2022 0:021:04:26:30 822,316 429
01/07/2022 0:020:23:26:16 606,110 378
01/06/2022 0:015:23:38:30 696,944 349
01/05/2022 0:016:22:35:47 574,985 314
01/04/2022 0:021:06:50:42 931,954 444
01/03/2022 0:019:23:01:16 793,797 401
01/02/2022 0:021:04:01:38 773,777 442
01/01/2022 0:021:20:01:58 1,063,722 546
12/31/2021 0:022:11:24:12 1,179,780 574
12/30/2021 0:027:19:33:35 597,266 386
12/29/2021 0:001:09:34:54 8,294 14
12/28/2021 0:000:14:54:28 3,359 6
12/27/2021 0:008:15:49:24 360,003 191
12/26/2021 0:029:02:14:08 765,778 463
12/25/2021 0:024:10:40:21 1,394,862 638
12/24/2021 0:018:19:00:02 1,119,966 540

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