Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Linux-Russia
Statistics last updated: 9/18/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [21 hour(s) ago]
Page of 80 | Records 1 to 60 - 4786 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
08/19/2024 0:000:02:57:16 1,031 2
08/17/2024 0:000:04:24:19 1,553 3
08/16/2024 0:000:01:29:33 522 1
08/15/2024 0:000:22:22:09 7,937 15
08/14/2024 0:002:05:35:25 18,962 36
08/13/2024 0:003:01:35:13 26,041 50
08/12/2024 0:002:13:47:44 21,655 42
08/11/2024 0:004:09:06:05 37,198 71
08/10/2024 0:003:17:24:35 31,572 60
08/09/2024 0:004:20:43:04 41,604 79
08/08/2024 0:003:16:35:03 31,469 60
08/07/2024 0:003:20:47:17 33,258 63
08/06/2024 0:003:23:49:07 34,033 65
08/05/2024 0:003:00:25:42 25,751 49
08/04/2024 0:003:07:28:11 27,971 54
08/03/2024 0:005:11:25:46 46,564 89
08/02/2024 0:002:16:19:05 22,466 43
08/01/2024 0:003:00:04:17 25,592 48
07/31/2024 0:002:19:55:20 24,482 46
07/30/2024 0:002:22:50:04 25,449 48
07/29/2024 0:003:10:18:44 29,617 56
07/28/2024 0:003:16:01:35 31,650 60
07/27/2024 0:002:11:09:43 20,944 40
07/26/2024 0:003:23:53:01 33,682 65
07/25/2024 0:003:04:37:02 26,583 52
07/24/2024 0:003:05:06:23 27,166 52
07/23/2024 0:002:10:37:29 21,038 40
07/22/2024 0:003:17:34:52 32,057 61
07/21/2024 0:004:11:09:24 38,182 73
07/20/2024 0:002:20:59:55 24,480 47
07/19/2024 0:003:09:21:53 28,588 55
07/18/2024 0:002:20:18:12 24,128 46
07/17/2024 0:002:11:50:12 20,576 41
07/16/2024 0:002:12:43:16 20,540 41
07/15/2024 0:002:04:58:57 17,833 36
07/14/2024 0:003:18:08:56 30,024 61
07/13/2024 0:003:22:19:58 32,060 64
07/12/2024 0:002:20:28:12 22,495 47
07/11/2024 0:003:06:52:07 27,226 53
07/10/2024 0:003:21:19:05 32,015 63
07/09/2024 0:003:09:07:56 26,915 54
07/08/2024 0:003:02:57:45 26,445 50
07/07/2024 0:003:11:40:28 29,248 56
07/06/2024 0:005:13:01:22 46,975 89
07/05/2024 0:002:12:14:20 21,889 41
07/04/2024 0:002:08:32:15 20,438 39
07/03/2024 0:002:20:53:47 24,398 47
07/02/2024 0:002:20:56:49 24,684 47
07/01/2024 0:003:06:54:04 28,030 53
06/30/2024 0:003:02:35:15 26,548 51
06/29/2024 0:003:12:20:38 30,098 57
06/28/2024 0:003:03:57:15 27,095 52
06/27/2024 0:002:09:04:39 20,612 39
06/26/2024 0:003:00:20:08 26,323 49
06/25/2024 0:003:02:15:39 26,578 51
06/24/2024 0:004:06:19:19 36,770 69
06/23/2024 0:004:17:23:16 40,532 77
06/22/2024 0:002:06:39:57 19,434 37
06/21/2024 0:002:18:11:04 32,357 45
06/20/2024 0:003:10:34:41 29,700 56

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