Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Computer Troubleshooters
Statistics last updated: 1/21/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [14 hour(s) ago]
Page of 235 | Records 1 to 30 - 7038 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/21/2025 0:138:19:26:50 893,391 1,637
01/20/2025 0:149:05:45:34 961,925 1,790
01/19/2025 0:158:19:45:16 1,014,178 1,886
01/18/2025 0:146:03:45:03 959,489 1,778
01/17/2025 0:160:08:29:50 1,060,025 1,961
01/16/2025 0:143:14:36:47 936,135 1,725
01/15/2025 0:144:13:35:37 943,237 1,743
01/14/2025 0:164:00:00:29 1,019,517 1,872
01/13/2025 0:179:17:14:29 1,127,703 2,077
01/12/2025 0:168:23:30:44 1,052,543 1,936
01/11/2025 0:260:17:15:49 1,584,213 2,982
01/10/2025 0:018:08:34:59 108,353 204
12/07/2024 0:000:05:15:26 1,640 3
12/06/2024 0:165:13:25:38 962,615 1,823
12/05/2024 0:168:15:52:47 986,783 1,868
12/04/2024 0:159:10:54:29 934,117 1,774
12/03/2024 0:173:17:07:31 998,168 1,888
12/02/2024 0:164:05:50:51 938,812 1,772
12/01/2024 0:170:16:27:18 947,003 1,793
11/30/2024 0:184:04:04:31 1,031,117 1,945
11/29/2024 0:165:09:37:10 923,571 1,736
11/28/2024 0:163:09:01:36 928,692 1,740
11/27/2024 0:163:13:50:11 924,828 1,735
11/26/2024 0:157:21:39:46 907,848 1,694
11/25/2024 0:149:09:23:00 887,072 1,674
11/24/2024 0:145:16:46:15 856,172 1,576
11/23/2024 0:132:18:42:46 812,230 1,503
11/22/2024 0:130:20:10:13 819,179 1,476
11/21/2024 0:158:22:19:37 974,612 1,670
11/20/2024 0:100:23:19:47 632,214 1,114

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Page of 235 | Records 1 to 30 - 7038 total  | records per page

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