Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Ukraine
Statistics last updated: 1/15/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [2 hour(s) ago]
Page of 229 | Records 1 to 30 - 6852 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/15/2025 2:320:22:06:39 6,127,905 11,304
01/14/2025 2:118:16:54:04 5,003,619 9,227
01/13/2025 2:090:05:51:05 5,003,154 9,227
01/12/2025 1:265:00:49:11 3,695,094 6,823
01/11/2025 2:238:05:29:50 5,452,801 10,250
01/10/2025 0:091:01:33:50 599,882 1,129
12/07/2024 0:001:15:31:24 9,564 18
12/06/2024 2:057:09:46:54 4,154,095 7,856
12/05/2024 2:122:21:18:24 4,490,359 8,484
12/04/2024 2:070:01:22:30 4,274,137 8,099
12/03/2024 2:116:08:51:37 4,534,579 8,609
12/02/2024 2:117:20:53:57 4,590,224 8,698
12/01/2024 2:035:17:52:34 4,196,615 8,016
11/30/2024 2:142:13:36:24 4,704,867 8,884
11/29/2024 2:050:01:33:02 4,192,678 7,908
11/28/2024 2:099:12:09:41 4,466,957 8,404
11/27/2024 2:214:02:24:41 4,935,681 9,310
11/26/2024 2:219:14:43:26 4,929,760 9,335
11/25/2024 2:131:14:15:11 4,500,801 8,546
11/24/2024 1:342:11:13:24 3,669,195 6,928
11/23/2024 1:216:12:44:05 3,122,711 5,836
11/22/2024 2:120:23:19:25 4,665,457 8,605
11/21/2024 2:280:22:16:55 5,716,765 9,895
11/20/2024 2:059:12:53:07 4,564,756 8,274
11/19/2024 1:009:11:48:39 2,248,867 4,182
11/18/2024 1:040:11:20:30 2,280,713 4,259
11/17/2024 1:021:21:06:30 2,161,068 3,991
11/16/2024 1:153:17:46:42 2,894,966 5,322
11/15/2024 0:334:07:51:43 2,010,117 3,627
11/14/2024 0:336:06:46:31 1,947,105 3,473

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