Team statistics history

Team statistics history - ASUS Team
Statistics last updated: 9/8/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [22 hour(s) ago]
Page of 11 | Records 1 to 60 - 603 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
02/03/2022 0:000:02:22:04 599 1
02/02/2022 0:000:04:55:38 1,255 2
02/01/2022 0:000:07:27:18 1,862 3
01/31/2022 0:001:10:11:28 8,629 14
01/30/2022 0:001:01:25:27 6,238 10
01/29/2022 0:001:10:59:58 8,378 9
01/28/2022 0:001:00:56:17 6,160 10
01/27/2022 0:000:12:18:57 2,929 1
01/25/2022 0:000:02:24:24 577 1
01/24/2022 0:000:22:13:36 4,527 5
01/23/2022 0:001:19:37:55 11,704 11
01/22/2022 0:000:09:40:28 2,339 4
01/21/2022 0:000:04:48:14 1,151 2
01/19/2022 0:000:12:23:57 2,910 5
01/18/2022 0:001:13:13:32 8,736 15
01/17/2022 0:000:19:16:10 4,415 8
01/16/2022 0:003:06:15:34 16,404 21
01/15/2022 0:001:10:59:40 7,030 14
01/14/2022 0:001:08:19:24 6,155 13
01/12/2022 0:000:21:44:17 5,757 9
01/11/2022 0:000:19:48:39 5,413 8
01/10/2022 0:000:19:44:58 6,550 3
01/09/2022 0:000:21:31:53 6,393 4
01/08/2022 0:000:15:44:41 4,807 2
01/06/2022 0:000:06:31:42 1,844 3
01/04/2022 0:000:02:20:14 602 1
01/03/2022 0:000:13:27:19 3,665 6
01/02/2022 0:000:15:55:30 4,308 7
01/01/2022 0:001:13:01:39 11,582 7
12/31/2021 0:000:20:41:30 6,288 4
12/30/2021 0:001:11:02:45 9,426 10
12/29/2021 0:001:19:49:49 13,289 5
12/28/2021 0:000:04:32:07 1,256 2
12/27/2021 0:001:03:10:43 7,764 7
12/26/2021 0:000:11:35:55 3,157 5
12/25/2021 0:000:18:54:18 4,881 8
12/24/2021 0:000:16:16:04 4,363 7
12/23/2021 0:001:14:27:55 9,927 5
12/22/2021 0:000:09:20:47 2,384 4
12/21/2021 0:001:01:11:16 6,734 6
12/20/2021 0:000:04:51:37 1,249 2
12/18/2021 0:000:22:52:42 6,588 4
12/17/2021 0:000:12:11:43 3,104 5
12/16/2021 0:000:14:14:25 3,711 6
12/15/2021 0:002:01:56:45 13,834 9
12/14/2021 0:000:21:11:04 6,207 4
12/13/2021 0:001:11:00:10 9,167 14
12/12/2021 0:001:01:53:16 7,304 6
12/11/2021 0:000:14:48:03 3,888 6
12/10/2021 0:001:20:03:31 12,552 8
12/09/2021 0:000:04:55:52 1,394 2
12/08/2021 0:001:05:51:29 8,490 7
12/07/2021 0:001:21:58:49 13,316 8
12/06/2021 0:001:02:09:49 7,122 6
12/05/2021 0:001:06:58:15 8,485 8
12/04/2021 0:000:14:22:16 3,789 6
12/03/2021 0:002:04:00:55 14,884 11
12/02/2021 0:001:08:50:45 8,535 8
12/01/2021 0:000:12:18:48 3,169 5
11/30/2021 0:001:04:00:07 7,614 6

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Page of 11 | Records 1 to 60 - 603 total  | records per page

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