Team statistics history

Team statistics history -
Statistics last updated: 10/7/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [13 hour(s) ago]
Page of 101 | Records 1 to 60 - 6059 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
10/07/2024 0:032:00:59:46 269,045 508
10/06/2024 0:028:08:55:28 237,935 450
10/05/2024 0:027:15:26:33 229,850 432
10/04/2024 0:032:09:14:26 260,918 489
10/03/2024 0:030:22:56:45 247,353 465
10/02/2024 0:027:21:18:06 225,077 422
10/01/2024 0:027:01:15:01 229,340 435
09/30/2024 0:027:15:50:56 236,211 444
09/29/2024 0:026:21:59:42 237,857 448
09/28/2024 0:024:10:17:01 218,052 414
09/27/2024 0:030:18:43:53 271,728 515
09/26/2024 0:028:03:15:35 247,485 470
09/25/2024 0:026:08:25:41 233,019 444
09/24/2024 0:031:05:32:33 274,894 524
09/23/2024 0:029:13:27:19 258,903 495
09/22/2024 0:024:19:59:12 217,352 418
09/21/2024 0:023:23:18:04 213,564 404
09/20/2024 0:026:22:57:45 239,013 455
09/19/2024 0:029:14:29:05 262,795 500
09/18/2024 0:026:12:40:33 234,433 446
09/17/2024 0:023:02:52:56 205,911 390
09/16/2024 0:025:15:36:41 224,984 427
09/15/2024 0:024:11:04:54 214,102 408
09/14/2024 0:026:02:33:24 231,781 440
09/13/2024 0:023:02:58:00 206,841 392
09/12/2024 0:029:16:04:05 265,929 504
09/11/2024 0:022:08:14:53 199,372 377
09/10/2024 0:019:06:43:16 172,568 328
09/09/2024 0:010:04:30:05 89,453 170
09/08/2024 0:016:14:43:55 143,850 274
09/07/2024 0:029:11:35:42 261,060 498
09/06/2024 0:028:04:52:15 251,874 477
09/05/2024 0:025:09:37:41 227,863 433
09/04/2024 0:024:06:12:56 216,303 411
09/03/2024 0:026:13:32:43 237,444 453
09/02/2024 0:026:04:03:25 234,083 448
09/01/2024 0:023:06:40:59 209,725 400
08/31/2024 0:020:04:24:57 188,722 357
08/30/2024 0:017:15:56:54 167,749 335
08/29/2024 0:018:18:37:05 165,386 317
08/28/2024 0:024:16:05:07 220,824 420
08/27/2024 0:018:00:17:37 156,547 299
08/26/2024 0:016:05:55:07 143,147 273
08/25/2024 0:023:08:02:06 207,224 395
08/24/2024 0:015:16:04:26 141,368 270
08/23/2024 0:024:02:20:19 214,609 411
08/22/2024 0:029:23:34:06 265,381 505
08/21/2024 0:022:12:59:05 200,338 386
08/20/2024 0:020:03:46:32 184,674 350
08/19/2024 0:009:00:14:15 85,530 164
08/18/2024 0:005:01:32:59 50,246 96
08/17/2024 0:005:17:11:28 56,370 107
08/16/2024 0:006:19:59:52 68,141 130
08/15/2024 0:006:04:46:17 58,844 112
08/14/2024 0:008:02:37:35 75,633 145
08/13/2024 0:012:20:18:08 115,952 223
08/12/2024 0:013:01:33:18 115,890 225
08/11/2024 0:005:20:03:50 51,011 98
08/10/2024 0:009:02:04:09 78,795 151
08/09/2024 0:016:20:36:24 147,084 282

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Page of 101 | Records 1 to 60 - 6059 total  | records per page

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