Team statistics history

Team statistics history - SARTA
Statistics last updated: 1/19/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [4 hour(s) ago]
Page of 129 | Records 1 to 30 - 3848 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/19/2025 1:228:22:42:24 5,278,212 9,767
01/18/2025 1:240:03:56:50 5,363,357 9,924
01/17/2025 1:235:01:05:01 5,360,182 9,910
01/16/2025 1:224:07:25:40 5,253,153 9,722
01/15/2025 1:225:13:22:35 5,300,544 9,760
01/14/2025 0:272:08:26:15 2,433,274 4,488
01/13/2025 1:189:14:47:24 4,969,093 9,144
01/12/2025 1:120:14:16:44 4,394,049 8,076
01/11/2025 4:299:07:45:53 15,209,673 28,753
01/10/2025 0:298:17:36:06 2,668,995 5,044
12/07/2024 0:001:21:47:13 16,694 32
12/06/2024 1:194:01:22:54 4,827,318 9,139
12/05/2024 1:182:08:52:44 4,757,100 9,014
12/04/2024 1:187:19:24:48 4,792,550 9,087
12/03/2024 1:169:20:40:34 4,644,864 8,780
12/02/2024 1:205:14:07:42 4,931,943 9,338
12/01/2024 1:279:08:56:59 5,586,482 10,589
11/30/2024 1:286:15:58:13 5,667,784 10,633
11/29/2024 1:240:23:39:09 5,264,913 9,881
11/28/2024 1:268:16:05:06 5,497,564 10,352
11/27/2024 1:252:16:15:52 5,366,209 10,120
11/26/2024 1:266:00:26:52 5,447,779 10,270
11/25/2024 1:240:06:39:33 5,262,342 9,890
11/24/2024 1:274:11:27:46 5,569,348 10,419
11/23/2024 1:205:11:48:29 5,029,040 9,338
11/22/2024 1:197:05:40:46 4,989,760 8,808
11/21/2024 1:312:12:10:10 6,160,801 7,598
11/20/2024 0:223:11:51:05 2,027,236 3,137
11/19/2024 0:093:21:05:24 868,742 1,458
11/18/2024 0:116:19:21:54 1,087,284 1,956

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