Team statistics history

Team statistics history - 2345
Statistics last updated: 1/21/25 23:59:59 (UTC) [15 hour(s) ago]
Page of 137 | Records 1 to 30 - 4102 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
01/21/2025 0:077:02:35:24 610,047 1,131
01/20/2025 0:088:15:50:46 701,856 1,304
01/19/2025 0:092:10:00:53 732,947 1,353
01/18/2025 0:072:22:53:15 560,779 1,047
01/17/2025 0:065:20:16:55 530,273 981
01/16/2025 0:075:07:22:01 617,974 1,137
01/15/2025 0:080:11:23:55 641,582 1,185
01/14/2025 0:048:00:45:32 387,230 713
01/13/2025 0:102:04:18:27 819,072 1,514
01/12/2025 0:079:18:50:42 640,336 1,179
01/11/2025 0:242:18:20:27 1,898,369 3,596
01/10/2025 0:006:14:59:32 46,162 87
12/07/2024 0:000:05:08:58 1,595 3
12/06/2024 0:091:22:26:37 639,601 1,208
12/05/2024 0:086:01:49:34 579,292 1,101
12/04/2024 0:068:02:11:46 461,962 881
12/03/2024 0:046:14:58:51 326,888 624
12/02/2024 0:034:19:39:55 255,338 479
12/01/2024 0:023:00:08:49 189,463 361
11/30/2024 0:019:00:24:22 157,171 299
11/29/2024 0:008:02:13:27 67,041 128
11/28/2024 0:008:01:50:10 66,372 125
11/27/2024 0:007:18:43:35 61,377 118
11/26/2024 0:004:18:01:16 32,223 61
11/25/2024 0:009:11:08:46 65,387 123
11/24/2024 0:014:10:34:12 101,161 187
11/23/2024 0:016:10:25:05 135,727 255
11/22/2024 0:007:15:11:32 64,290 121
11/21/2024 0:008:04:15:44 69,081 130
11/20/2024 0:010:00:15:13 87,409 161

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