Team statistics history

Team statistics history - Az zBrasil
Statistics last updated: 10/23/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [6 hour(s) ago]
Page of 52 | Records 1 to 14 - 720 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
05/22/2011 0:000:06:00:30 554 1
05/21/2011 0:000:23:37:31 2,202 4
05/19/2011 0:000:06:00:35 550 1
05/18/2011 0:000:11:49:55 1,089 2
05/16/2011 0:000:12:41:16 1,093 2
05/15/2011 0:000:11:57:40 1,079 2
05/14/2011 0:000:17:51:08 1,648 3
05/13/2011 0:000:18:41:07 1,654 3
05/10/2011 0:000:11:56:29 1,105 2
05/09/2011 0:000:11:56:01 1,094 2
05/07/2011 0:000:11:49:47 1,091 2
05/06/2011 0:000:11:52:24 1,092 2
05/05/2011 0:000:12:00:11 1,093 2
05/04/2011 0:000:12:02:30 1,098 2

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Page of 52 | Records 1 to 14 - 720 total  | records per page

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