Team statistics history

Team statistics history - All Brasil Family
Statistics last updated: 10/7/24 23:59:59 (UTC) [11 hour(s) ago]
Page of 33 | Records 1 to 60 - 1942 total  | records per page
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Statistics date Total run time
Points generated Results returned
08/20/2020 0:000:02:13:23 330 1
08/17/2020 0:000:02:11:03 392 1
08/15/2020 0:000:02:11:09 325 1
08/14/2020 0:000:02:11:09 530 1
08/13/2020 0:001:02:42:48 4,588 12
08/12/2020 0:000:02:57:09 578 2
07/18/2020 0:000:06:49:26 1,486 3
07/01/2020 0:000:03:22:30 673 1
06/29/2020 0:000:03:13:08 551 1
06/27/2020 0:000:03:48:08 827 2
06/26/2020 0:000:09:56:46 1,777 2
06/24/2020 0:000:08:22:47 1,662 3
06/23/2020 0:000:07:53:04 2,065 3
06/22/2020 0:000:15:50:01 2,617 3
06/19/2020 0:000:14:18:14 2,274 3
06/18/2020 0:000:03:57:20 787 2
06/17/2020 0:000:13:26:49 2,845 6
06/16/2020 0:000:09:39:54 1,881 4
06/15/2020 0:000:11:29:06 2,285 4
06/12/2020 0:000:08:03:06 1,784 3
06/11/2020 0:000:01:41:24 467 1
06/10/2020 0:000:05:51:07 1,685 3
06/09/2020 0:000:08:30:47 1,511 2
06/08/2020 0:000:01:41:03 495 1
06/05/2020 0:000:04:22:00 931 2
06/04/2020 0:000:17:58:04 4,059 9
06/03/2020 0:000:12:09:27 2,278 4
06/02/2020 0:000:02:43:25 564 1
06/01/2020 0:000:03:37:43 1,052 2
05/30/2020 0:000:06:42:29 1,076 1
05/29/2020 0:000:05:42:44 920 1
05/28/2020 0:000:10:23:14 2,782 4
05/27/2020 0:000:03:36:53 706 1
05/26/2020 0:000:06:50:46 1,073 1
05/21/2020 0:000:04:57:41 1,108 2
05/20/2020 0:000:05:47:29 987 1
05/19/2020 0:000:05:26:58 807 1
05/18/2020 0:000:09:31:08 2,150 4
05/16/2020 0:000:08:03:08 1,263 2
05/15/2020 0:000:03:32:24 785 2
05/14/2020 0:000:10:32:24 1,773 3
05/13/2020 0:000:08:28:15 1,938 3
05/12/2020 0:000:11:49:51 1,890 2
05/11/2020 0:000:02:15:08 388 1
05/06/2020 0:000:00:41:53 256 1
05/05/2020 0:000:09:22:39 1,583 2
04/27/2020 0:000:03:09:10 474 1
04/24/2020 0:000:10:07:45 1,664 2
04/23/2020 0:000:07:43:32 1,307 1
04/18/2020 0:000:05:26:35 1,028 1
04/17/2020 0:000:03:18:54 646 1
04/14/2020 0:000:01:18:15 446 1
04/13/2020 0:000:06:49:54 1,382 2
04/12/2020 0:000:01:24:17 435 1
04/11/2020 0:000:03:02:46 631 1
04/10/2020 0:000:11:29:34 2,284 3
04/09/2020 0:000:16:07:32 3,783 5
04/03/2020 0:000:03:27:16 789 2
04/02/2020 0:000:07:50:17 1,587 3
03/24/2020 0:000:01:35:55 543 1

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Page of 33 | Records 1 to 60 - 1942 total  | records per page

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